Chapter 12

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AN: I know this is absolutely terrible and probably the worst chapter ever so I want to apologise for that plus the fact that I've had to rush to write this since I only just got my iPad back so I could write it for you guys. However I've realised something from this. I HAVE PEOPLE THAT LIKE MY STORY!!! Something I didn't really expect when I started this. Since I'm curious as to who actually read this, comment a smiley face in the comments for a free virtual cookie. If you don't like them you could always use it to throw in someone's face :)

Chapter 12

"How much further?" I asked Alice who was driving at over 130 miles a hour in a 60 zone. It's a good job I knew she wouldn't crash.

"Not much. Perhaps another ten minutes." Alice replied glancing down at her watch for a split second. My fingers were tapping against my thigh rhythmically due to my enhanced ADHD which came with being turned into a monster. It's a good job my dyslexia was never too bad meaning I could make out English but Greek is still a lot easier for me.

"Do you remember any of your past?" Alice asked me suddenly. Slowly I nodded.

"All of it. Why?"

"I don't remember anything about mine." She replied and I gave her a faint smile.

"Sometimes not knowing is a blessing not a bad thing. It means you can move on with your life without having to remember the bad that happened to you." I told her.

"You speak like you know this from experience."

"The day I was turned I saw my only two friends be murdered in front of me." I answered perhaps a little coldly with my walls closing up a little more in defence.

"I'm sorry." She said and I just frowned.

"Why? You didn't kill them." I replied. Alice paused for a second as if confused.

"I guess it's just a persons reaction." She answered before falling silent. I considered saying something but decided against it and lent my head against the car window. It didn't take long for the huge shopping mall to come into view. This thing was huge. I'm not joking I've never seen a building so big in my life.

I was still staring at the place in awe when we pulled to a stop in the almost completely packed car park. "Come on." Alice said opening my door to snap me out of my trance. Heck, I hadn't even noticed she'd got out of the car.

I got out of the car and shut the door before jogging a couple of steps to catch up with Alice who was heading towards the mall. (A/N: It seems so wierd saying 'mall' since I'm british and we say 'shopping centre' most of the time)

Once we passed through the doors the only thing I could think was 'this place must be like the TARDIS'. It seemed even bigger on the inside than on the outside. Alice grabbed my wrist and began to drag me inside some posh expensive looking shop. I didn't even get chance to see the name before I was in.

Literally, after a few seconds I already felt dead on my feet... Well I would have if I was still human. How can one person have so much energy? Alice was practically running round the shop pulling out items of clothing that she liked until the pile almost seemed to grow over her head.

"How many items of clothing do you even have there?" I asked Alice in shock as I followed her into the changing rooms.

"47." She answered like it was nothing.

"Seriously, did you count?"


I sighed as Alice passed me a casual summer dress to try on and practically shoved me into a changing cubicle thingy. I've got a feeling I'm going to end up letting Alice come with me.

I stepped out of the changing room with the dress on. Alice looked at me literally examining the dress on me before nodding and shoving something else in my arms and pushing me back into the changing room.


14 shops, 7 and a half hours later, way too many bags to even carry and I felt like collapsing on the floor and sleeping even though I was a vampire who can't sleep. "Alice can we go now." I whined fed up of both trying clothes on and the stares men were giving Alice and I. Curse you vampire beauty... And the fact men are complete pigs. You know its a wonder I never became a huntress.

"Fine." Alice sighed looking as if she would happily shop for another few days without stopping and for some reason I don't doubt that she would. This time I sighed but in relief. Never again will I go shopping with Alice.

I practically ran out of the mall with Alice following and climbed into the passenger side of the car once I had loaded my bags. A few seconds later Alice climbed into the drivers seat after loading her bags into the boot. Within minutes we were back to driving along roads.

"How did you meet Nico?" Alice asked me after a short while of silence.

"Why do you ask?" I asked in return.

"We're trying to figure out how you haven't even tried to attack him yet." She answered simply. I studied her expression for a second and saw she was telling the truth.

"About an hour after I woke up I headed into the woods. About a ten minute walk from the entrance to the woods was Nico. He was bleeding and I wanted to kill him simple as. But I didn't. Instead I helped heal him before helping him find his way out of the woods." I told her the brief summery of the story. No need to include the part where I also didn't want to kill him because Hades would probably fry my butt off.

"How did you meet Jasper and the Cullen's?" I asked mainly so I wouldn't have to talk and to prevent an awkward silence from occurring.

"If I hadn't seen myself meeting Jasper I would have gone feral without a doubt. I would have killed humans and probably would have got myself killed. However I had a vision of meeting Jasper at a bar then meeting the Cullen's and living a vegetarian lifestyle so I stayed sane. I met Jasper at the bar on the day I saw myself meeting him and we tracked down the Cullen's who welcomed us into their family even though Jasper sometimes struggles with bloodlust." Alice answered me and I frowned.

"Do you know why Jasper struggles?" I asked and Alice shrugged.

"It may be because he was brought up drinking human blood as a newborn but we honestly have no clue." She told me before we lapsed into silence. After a few minutes a thought struck me.

"What if it's because of his gift. He's feeling his own bloodlust along with everyone else's. Lust is an emotion so why can't bloodlust be one?" I suggested putting out my thought. Alice's face turned to one of concentration for a few seconds then it lit up.

"You know I think you could be right. I'll have to talk to Carlisle and see what he thinks about the idea." She said as we passed the 'Welcome to Forks' sign. I nodded fiddling with the bracelet on my wrist as we drew closer to the Cullen household. I hope nothing bad had happened to Nico while I was gone. It would be my fault if it had.

What if he fell down the stairs and broke something? Or fell out a tree? Why would he even be in a tree in the first place? What if monsters had found him and attacked? What if rabid squirrels decided to attack him to get back at the Cullen's for killing woodland animals for years?

Ok, now I'm overthinking this.

If he broke something Carlisle's a doctor and I'm sure he knows where the nectar and ambrosia are in my room. If monsters attacked he's more than capable of defending himself. Rabid squirrels? Where did that even come from?

While I was lost in my make believe situation land we pulled up in front of the Cullen household. I was out of the car before Alice even turned off the engine. "Never again." I shouted dramatically for the whole household, including Bella and Nico to hear. At that thought I listened carefully to the inside of the house and heard multiple sounds of laughter along with two heartbeats. 'Well that rules out Nico having been killed by rabid squirrels.' I thought to myself as I grabbed my bags out of the car.

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