Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"A lot of self control." I replied as Carlisle gestured for us to sit down. "That's actually kind of why I have been trying to track some vampires down." I continued and Carlisle's eyes widened ever so slightly in Nico's direction when I said 'vampire'.

"You do realise-" Carlisle started.

"That telling a human of the existence of vampires is punishable by death? Yes. But technically I haven't broken any laws." I finished. It was true. Since Nico was part god he technically wasn't fully human meaning I hadn't revealed the existence of vampires to a human...even though he already knew of their existence but still.


"I'd rather not say. That wasn't why I came here after all."

"Oh, right. Of course."

"I'm going to put this simply. Human blood doesn't appeal to me at all. It's like dirt. No appeal at all. Animal blood actually smells marginally better and mountain lion blood isn't that bad. It's not terrible but not really nice either. And then there's Nico's blood. The easiest way to put it is if I didn't have self control right now...well, I don't think he'd be sitting here right now." I told the older vampire.

He mumbled something so quietly under his breath even my new born hearing couldn't pick it up. His forehead creased in thought as if pondering on wether to say something or not. It seemed my ADHD hadn't faded since I couldn't stop myself from gently tapping my fingers on my leg.

"La tua cantante." Carlisle said, and this time I frowned but in confusion.

"Blood singer?" I asked at the same time as Nico. It seemed both of us translated the Italian expression. Carlisle looked mildly surprised that we had understood what he had said.

"La tua cantante or a blood singer is a human who's blood particularly appeals to a certain vampire in an extreme way. To a vampire the singer's blood is almost irresistible and it's incredibly rare for a vampire, never mind a new born, to be able to resist the blood of their singer." Carlisle answered cautiously as if he had some theory he didn't particularly want to reveal.

"You have a theory don't you. As to why I haven't killed Nico yet." I stated and slowly he nodded.

"Just a theory. And the chances... They're so slim." He replied.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you. It's something you'll have to find out for yourself." He answered and I sighed in annoyance. Reminds me of the Olympians, you can never get a straight answer out of them either. Kind of ironic. The fact that (as far as I know) this coven is called the Olympic coven. "Is it ok if my family returns now?" He then asked.

"Of course." I said. Carlisle pressed a few buttons on his phone presumably to contact the other vampires somehow. After a few seconds I could faintly hear six pairs of feet heading this way at speeds impossible for a human to reach. On the topic of humans there was also a human heartbeat meaning the mate of the human must be bringing her back up to the house. "The human?" I asked Carlisle.

"She knows. One of my sons mates. She's staying here tonight." He explained and I nodded. Faintly I could hear little thuds from Nico tapping his fingers against his thigh. ADHD isn't much fun but I guess it helps to keep you alive in battle.

After perhaps a couple of seconds more the footsteps reached the outside of the house and seven figures came in, the males standing ever so slightly in front of the females in a protective manner. "Hi I'm Alice." A pixie like girl said gracefully manoeuvring past the honey blonde male who was standing protectively in front of her.

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