Chapter 21

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Deimos & Phobos:

Chapter 21

(Photo is Hope)

"Let's go and find Hope then."

I followed Nico through the Camp and towards the archery range. In some ways I wanted the journey to be quicker but I also wanted it to never end. "Nervous?" Nico asked me and I gave him a confused look.

"Yes. How did you know?" I asked back. If there's one thing I'm good at it's hiding my emotions.

"You just seem tense." Nico told me as we reached the edge of the archery range. I spotted Hope almost immediately. She had changed so much yet so little.

Her hair still fell in the same soft brown ringlets and her eyes were still the unique shade of emerald green that I remember but she seems to have become so much older in the past few years. Well, she was eleven now. "That's her. Second from the left with the brown hair." I said to Nico quietly watching as Hope pulled back the string of her bow and after around half a second released sending the arrow flying into the board at almost the dead centre.

"She had the same nose as you." Nico commented.

"Seriously? That's what you notice?" I asked laughing. Nico shrugged as a few people from the archery turned in our direction upon hearing the laughter... including Hope. Her eyes briefly skimmed over me before doing what seemed like a double take and snapping back to me. Her bow clattered to the ground and she stared at me unmoving. Unblinking.

Then she ran at me.

She almost knocked me over for the speed she barreled into me to hug me but I guess being a vampire makes you harder to knock over. Not that I've tested it or anything. "Hey Hope." I muttered quietly, hugging her back.

"Why were you gone so long?" She asked me quietly still not letting go.

"There were some... Complications with the quest. I couldn't come back until now." I told her.

"I missed you." She murmured sadly and I crouched down so I was at her height.

"I missed you too Hope." I told her and ruffled her hair. For once she didn't seem to mind. Her gaze then flickered to Nico who was standing leaning against a pole with one leg propped up against it.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked me quietly and teasingly but kept her yes innocent and wide. She knew I struggled to be mad at her when she did that. My eyes widened in shock at what she just said and I felt my cheeks heat up rapidly. Why did I make myself human again?

"N-no Hope he isn't. What made you say that?" I asked her trying to get my stupid blushing under control.

"Because there's a 12 year old boy in the Aphrodite cabin who looks at me like that and I asked why he looked at me like that. Kat told me it was because he loved me." Hope told me her cheeks beginning to tinge slightly pink. Talking to her about boys seems really weird... Perhaps it's because the last time I saw her she was too worried about cooties. I guess she realised cooties aren't real.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "You look at him the same way." She told me in an accusing tone.

"Do not."

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