Chapter 9

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Shout out to celinestar16 for being the 150th person to press the heart button :)

Also I'm sorry about not updating but I finished the chapter about two or three weeks ago and just as I was about to post it my computer froze. When it unfroze everything I had wrote was gone and I just didn't have the will to write it again.

Chapter 9

Nobody POV

"You wanted to see me concerning my son?" Hades asked harshly to his three guests. Apollo, Artemis and Aphrodite.

"First of all we need you to swear on the River Styx not to tell anybody about this meeting or anything that is said in it other than Nico, but only what he needs to know, and Arabelle, when the time is right." Artemis said and Hades frowned considering whether it would be worth it.

"All right. I swear on the River Styx that I won't tell anybody about this meeting or anything that is said in it other than Nico, but only what he needs to know, and Arabelle, when the time is right." Hades swore and there was a faint rumble of thunder showing that the promise had been confirmed.

"First of all Arabelle must be kept alive at all costs. I'm not just saying this since she's my daughter and I can't tell you why yet but she must. The only thing I can say that if she isn't kept alive every single one of us will face the consequences-" Apollo started before continuing.


Arabelle's POV

I headed through the front door and into the kitchen with Nico following since that's where I could sense most of the vampires. Rosalie and Emmett were upstairs and trust me you do not want to know what they're doing right now. I wish I didn't know.

On the plus side Carlisle, Alice, Jasper and Edward were back and Edward had brought Bella who seemed a bit cautious around me. I guess it was to be expected. Her blood smelt sweet but didn't appeal to me in any way. It wasn't at all like Nico's.

"Your staying the night." Alice said happily practically skipping up to me and hugging me. I tensed but after a few seconds relaxed and hugged her back.

"I am?" I asked.

"You are." Alice confirmed.

"And you are." Alice nodded towards Nico but gathered that she probably shouldn't go up and hug him. I can imagine what would happen if she did and it wouldn't end well. Trust me on that as well. Nico just nodded in reply.

"I need to head back down to hospital, will you all be ok?" Carlisle asked and each of his children nodded along with Bella. Esme softly kissed him before he walked out and I smiled to myself. They are perfect together and nobody can deny it.

After a second of awkward silence Edward suddenly grimaced. "Emmett, Rosalie can you at least try to control your thoughts." Edward shouted. They probably would have heard if he had whispered...

"No, not really." Emmett shouted back probably for the benefit of Bella and Nico. Esme and Nico smiled in amusement while the rest of us (excluding Edward) laughed. As this was happening I saw Nico's eyes glaze over out of the corner of my eye. That would be Hades.

"Other than Edward and his mind reading does anyone else have a gift?" I asked so to keep everyone's attention away from him.

"I can see the future but it's limited based on what a person decides. As people change their minds the future changes and Japer can sense and manipulate emotions." Alice answered.

"So that's how Carlisle knew I was coming?"

"Yep but your's and Nico's visions are constantly blurry. It's hard to make things out."

"Do you know why?" I asked her confused and she shook her head.

"I really don't know."

"Oh." I said stopping asking questions since Nico had obviously finished his conversation with his dad. At that point in time Rosalie and Emmett came back down hand in hand smiling.

"What about you? Do you have a gift?"

I considered the question for a second before sighing. I brought my hands together and brought them out creating a ball of light which slowly began to expand outwards.

"That's amazing. Can you do any thing else with it or is it just restricted to a ball?" Carlisle asked. In reply the ball changed shape to a Pegasus and I pushed my hands out causing the mini light Pegasus to start flying around the room.

I let that carry on for a few seconds before I made it head to hear the ceiling in the middle of the room. It hovered there for a second until I clenched my fist causing it to explode as a small firework. Of course I made all the sparks from the firework fade before they hit the floor.

Once every last bit of light was gone a wave of dizziness swept over me. "Arabelle, are you alright?" Alice asked. she must have noticed the momentary dizziness.

"Yeah, I should be. The only problem with my gift is that light is basically pure energy and of course energy has to come from somewhere. In my case the energy comes from me." I replied before glancing over to Nico. "Nico can you help me find my flask?" I asked. Nico nodded and pushed himself off the wall causing everyone apart from me to jump slightly. They must have forgotten he was there.

Now, I already know where my flask of nectar is but this way I can find out what Hades told Nico.

Slightly unsteadily I headed up the stairs and into what I guess is my room with Nico following just behind me. As soon as both Nico and I were in the room I shut the door behind us and grabbed the flask of nectar out of my rucksack. I took a sip and placed it on the side as I began to feel the energy come back to me.

After perhaps two or three seconds I felt as if I had enough energy and headed over to my shut door. Gently, I placed my hand on it. A golden glow of light slowly spread out of the palm of my hand until it covered all of the walls, the ceiling and the floor. Creating sort of a layer of paint over the room.

The light faded to a soft golden glow as I removed my hand and immediately grabbed the flask of nectar. I took another sip of the drink and sighed. After placing my flask back in my bag my gaze fell on Nico who was looking at the light confused.

"It's a bit like a shield. Stops anything said in here being heard by anyone outside the room but anyone in can still here everything out as if the shield wasn't there." I explained to him. He looked over to me and nodded showing that he understood.

"I'm guessing this is about my father contacting me again." Nico guessed.


"He didn't really tell me much more. Said that Apollo, Aphrodite and Artemis wouldn't tell him much since it apparently wasn't safe for him to know yet. Something about them not being able to predict how he would react to the information even though he defended you at some council meeting thing. Any idea about the council meeting thing?"

"None. It could be something to do with me being a vampire Demi-god but other than that I don't know."

"Anyway. The only other thing he told me is that you have to be kept alive at all costs. He said that all three of them looked scared at the prospect of you dying. Like it would bring something terrible." He told me and I sighed.

"I have no idea about what this is about. However I believe Artemis is keeping an eye on me or something. When I was in the tree earlier I saw a pure white wolf. The sort that travel with Artemis. As soon as it saw me looking at it though it practically disappeared into the undergrowth which again confirms my theory about Artemis. Animals don't run or hide from me. My blessing draws them to me. This has to be something bigger than me being a vampire demigod and it appears only my father, Artemis and Aphrodite know."

"But what?"

"I don't know but I intend to find out."

AN: ok I know this is quite slow so far but in the next chapter it will progress more between Nico and Arabelle since I don't want to rush into something making it seem rushed and unbelievable as so many stories I have read which are amazingly written but I can't quite believe the relationship.

shepsoph Xx

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora