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Hey guys I'm back! So um as you all probably know the COVID-19 is a pandemic so take care of yourselves and stay safe!
-Frosty 💜💫

Special thanks to:Thomas-Marie-Amell

Karas POV

I hear a soft but steady beeping sound and I see so much light as I open my eye lids slightly.

'Ugh turn off the sun...' I mumble to myself thinking I was along but I hear awkward movements next to me dimming the lights.

'Hey Kar can you open your eyes for me or squeeze my hand?' I hear a gentle male voice ask me I squeeze his hand as hard as I could but it was as much pressure as a human could master. I guess I solar flared.

'Barry she needs her pain killers soon, in about five minutes.' I hear a firm but gentle voice speak to the man next to me. I guess his name is 'Barry'.

'Don't worry Oliver I remember.' So I guess the other guy is 'Oliver'? Who are these people?

I open my eyes and look at the to men before me and I don't know who they are.

'Who are you? How do you know my name? Where's Alex?' I say in one breath I was a little bit scared because there were to strange men in my room while I slept.

'Kara your ok you gave us a bit of a scare there when you were shot.'

'Jonn who are these people? Hold up I got shot?'

'Kara what do you mean by 'who are these people' this is Barry, your boyfriend and oliver his a brotherly figure to you.' Jonn says so normally.

'Jonn what's wrong with me how can I not remember all I remember is getting shot in the carpark by some weird women who looked like a wannabe-trying-too-hard to be a villain.'

'Kara can I do a scan of your brain maybe I can see what's wrong...' Jonn asks. I nod in consent and close my eyes as he places two fingers to the side of my forehead.

'Kara it seems that you have temporary amnesia. Basically your brain is closing of access to some of your memories and is focusing on healing your body. So for the time being you will not be able to remember certain things so barry and oliver will follow you around just incase you lose your way.' Jonn says calmly.

'So kara looks like you've got yourself two personal bodyguards.' Oliver says trying to break the tension.


I hear an explosion coming from national city square.

'Duty calls.' I say before superspeeding out of the DEO

Olivers POV
'Kara! Dammit Ollie I will see you there after you change and all...' barry says before speeding off after Kara.

'Damn superspeed... Why can't I just have that...' I say sulkily hearing Jonns deep chuckles behind me.

Kara's POV

'Hello? you look fun...' I see a weird man with sunglasses and a trenchcoat and Leslie, well livewire but I knew Leslie first so...

'Hey cape and skirt! You gonna stare into blank space or fight?!'

'Ohoh yeah sorry got lost in thought...' I quickly super speed metahuman dampeners on the weird guy cause I don't know his powers.

'So Leslie no friend now let's even the odds.'

We fight I mostly stay on defence as I see the barry guy getting people to safety. When suddenly a little girl is pushed into the fighting zone by a careless adult who was more concerned for her safety then that of anybody else. The barry is no where in sight and Leslie aims her hands at her and is going to blast her I speed in front of her and stretch out my cape to cover her little body. I get hit back into a cement wall by the impact and I make a dent in the wall. The little girl runs away to safety. Oh thank rao.

'Hey livewire pick on someone your own size!'
I scream at her. Well I'm pissed now. I see the fast guy is still clearing the area. Its like he can read my mind. I feel someone hit me in the back with human strength. I turn around with a are you serious face. Its the guy I put metahuman cuffs on then when I make eye contact his pupils turn red and I feel so much anger I try to fight it. Livewire makes use of my distraction to hit me with a powerful blast at her full strength. I move my hand to press my comms and all I say is 'Barry' before I hit the ground in both mental and physical exhaustion.

I see a man with a green hood shooting arrows at livewire and the weird guy before placing metahuman cuffs on both of them. I see black dots blocking my vision but before I black out I see a man in a red suit come and pick me up and nodding to the green guy in thanks.

3 hours later...

'Ughh my head hurts...' I mumble

'Kara?' I hear barry moving to close the curtains.

I start to open my eyes since it was darker and all the events of the day come rushing back to me. I shoot straight up giving barry a shock.

'Barry? Oh my rao Barr! I'm so sorry I forgot you... I don't know how I could... But I still love you... Please don't hate me... I-' he cuts me off with a deep longing but passionate kiss.

I lean in and before we know it we started a full blown make out but before it gets any further Barry and I yawn at the same time causing us to go into a fit laughter after we clam down Barry carries me to bed where we both cuddle and sleep... The best sleep ever...

A/N so long chap hope you guys enjoyed it! Stay safe and take care of yourself!
-Frosty 💜💫

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