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Italics- voice in head.

Kara POV

Caitlins finally discharging me today. But I'm still not allowed to go back to my earth. Alex and the others had to return to earth-38. They said Kal might come to visit but so far he hasn't... Maybe he's just to busy with his kid. Then that little voice in my head that I resented spoke up. Or maybe he just got sick and tired of you being so clingy and needy. Shut up I say fiddling with the ends of my star labs sweatshirt and looking intently at the CEO recovery pants I wore(the pants has zips on the sides of each so that she could zip it write up to the cast instead of wearing shorts) That voice has been speaking up frequently since I'm usually alone. Barry has to protect his city. I see him, if I'm lucky, every night but most of the time I see him once every 3-4 days.

Its getting insanely lonely. Cisco usually come in to talk to me to keep me company. But for the past week I've not talked to anyone they only come to bring me my meals. I'm going crazy. I don't want to be a pain in their ass. I try yet again to try moving my legs but they just don't seem to move. I feel something wet on my cheeks. I start sobbing in exasperation. My sensitive ears pick up the sound of footsteps approaching my room so I quickly dry my eyes and put on a light smile.

'Hey kara. Sorry I haven't come to visit you in some time. We've been dealing with a new threat.' I hear barry saying as he walked in and pearched on the side of my bed.

'Hey Barr your not obligated to visit me you know if there something threatening the city go solve it don't worry about me. Don't get me wrong cause its great to see you!' I try my hardest to say this with a smile on my face.

But somehow he saw right through me and gave me a guilty pity face and came to give me a tight hug. His comforting act makes acting happy so difficult that I give in to the pain and let the tears out of my eyes. But as he held me in his strong comforting arms I didn't have to tell him why I was crying he understood.

'Kara I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that we have isolated you. I should have gotten you a wheelchair and let you sit in the cortex with the team or taken you to dinner.'

I feel so bad. We offered to help her. We promised her friends that she would be safe here. But we have isolated her. My super friend. I left her surrounded by a concrete prison.

'Oh Barr its not your fault you've been busy.' I say trying to make him feel better

But no amount of 'its not your fault''s could make up for what I did

'Barry hey if you still feel guilty you could bring me to the cortex and let me sit there and listen... If that's ok...''Yeah, yeah I could do that let me go sew if we have a wheelchair in our storage, if we don't I suppose a roller chair would do.'with that he zipped off leaving a trail of lightning in his wake. But he returned seconds later with a sad face. 'Soooo we have a wheelchair but its Thawnes. I don't think you want to use a sociopathical maniacs wheelchair. So I guess I'm carrying you to the cortex.'he said getting a mischievous grin on his barry.' Barry what are you thinking of doing. Barry.'I say getting increasing worried but my worry sadness and pain disappears when barry scoops me into his arms and swings me around, I squeal in excitement.

'Kara danvers did you just squeal?!' Barry asked me with a mischievous shocked face.

'What! I'm not all broody like Oliver. I can squeal. I'm a girl too you know.' I say to barry faking being offended. He just mhmm is agreement. With that he exits the room and walks me to the cortex when some British looking comes out the lift with luggage's.

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