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A/N hey guys I don't know if you noticed but I've been releasing chapters fast well my exams are coming up so the updates are going to slow down.

Cisco turns on the camera on his suit and it showed... It showed... Reign.

Caitlins POV

'Fucking shit!' I hear those unholy words leave the mouth of our innocent kryptonian who never spoke such language.

'Language Kara!' I say it was a habit that I needs to shake.

'Cait I need to get out there can you pass me my ring Brainy made me a suit for a situation like this it alters to a persons gender and preferences. You need to call Barry back he can use this suit since he's already adapted to speed.' I say slowly so that caitlin could understand. She went out if the cortex to call him.

'Hey guys, where's Barry I need to talk to him its about us. Kara?! What are you doing here! Your suppose to be in your Earth! Your dating Barry aren't you! What a slutty bitch!' She screams and before I know it. SMACK. Iris slapped me.

'Hey kara what is it you've got for me. Hey Iris.'

Iris's POV

What the hell I come here to talk to barry to try and get back together with him and see kara here. She has my MAN! And then barry comes in and barely looks at me he goes straight to Kara.

'Come closer barry. Ok take off your gloves.' What is she doing? She then takes a ring of her finger and places it on barrys is she proposing?! 'This ring has a suit that give you my powers so that you can fight Reign. All you need to do is say the phrase 'El Mayarah' it means stronger together its what my symbol stands for too.'

'El Mayarah' barry says. The there is a blue and red nanotechnology particles coming out the ring forming a suit( it looks like the season 6 suit but it has a blue and red air brush cape and the symbol is karas with barrys lighting woven through it). It looks cool. Stop it iris remember you hate kara.

'Thanks Kara!' Barry says then walks forward and gives her a kiss on her forehead. Aughhh! What a slutty alien bitch! I just can't take anymore shit! I deserve so much for all he pain I've been through! I'm just going to leave. I spin on my heel and leave in a huff.

Kara's POV

Iris just stomped out. Her words hurt me. She cut me deep. Maybe I am a slut. Mon el leaves and returns now I like barry. I'm such a slut. Slut. Its all I can think of.

'Hey kara I'm going to continue restocking the med bay I hope you can handle barry on comms?' 'Yeah cait go do what you need to do'

'Herk- cait-help-'i cant breath, in my ddsperate attempt to breath I fall of the chair and Julian comes rushung in and shouts for Caitlin. Julian picks me up gently and places me on my bed. I still can't breath. Huffhuff. I breath in deeply when I can finally breath. Caitlin Julian and Cisco visibly sigh in relief. Cisco must have ran in just now I didn't notice him running in. Just as u finally catch my breath I felt like I had been hit by a cement truck. It had knocked the wind out of me and I heard a few ribs crack.

'Cait... She's connected to barry. The suit draws its strength from her... We have to get him back here...Now! Cisco call him back now she will ditch the CEO just came through a portal with red sun grenades and kryptonite bullets. Now! Cisco!'Cisco runs of and a few seconds later barry come running in and came to a stop next to me and grabbed on to my hand' El Mayarah to remove suit...' I say weakly. Just as I get these words out I pass out.

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