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Karas POV

I have no idea how long its been but my head feels like it was stuffed with cottons and my ribs hurt. I reach towards my ribs and I feel a bandage covering it. Then it all comes back to me... I passed out in barry! He must be so worried. I look around and notice that I'm not in star labs. God how stupid am I. I didn't even pause to check where I am.

'Hey Kara its good to see your eyes open. You scared me there for a bit.' I hear barrys melodic voice that just melts me.

'Hey kara I came to visit you just to find you passed out with cait taping your ribs. You scared me. And not many people can do that.'I hear oliver say as he walks over to the bed and sits on the side while barry makes himself comfortable on the bed leaning on the headrest next to me.

'Hey whose house am I at by the way?' 'Your in my house kara.' Barry replys

'oh... By the way did my cousin come to visit? He said he would?'

'I'm sorry kara but he hasn't come yet... If you want I can call hi-'

'NO!...no its fine he probably dosent have the time, cause he's busy with the kids or Lois. Its totally fine I can see him when I get back! Yeah. Yeah I'll do that.' I ramble on trying to show them that I wasn't upset even though I was, extremely.

'Oh kara its ok to be upset. I would be too if the only person I have left as biological family didn't come to visit me.' Barry says pulling me into a hug it was so hard to keep the facade so I dropped it and focused on not crying. When oliver saw my face he joined barry in hugging me. His affectionate gestured shocked me and made it even more impossible to hold back the tears so I just let down my walls and let it all out, all the pain, all the hurt feelings, all the held back tears just flowed out my eyes.

When I had calmed down I noticed that since I had hidden my face in barrys shirt his shirt was soaking wet. Before I could apologize barry waved it off.

'So kara do you want to try walking take your mind off things for a bit? Oliver and I can hold you so don't be afraid of falling.'

'Yeah sure why in the world not?'

Within a blink of the eye I was in the living room and there were two bars parallel to each other.

'Do you trust me Kara?' Barry asks

'With my life.' I reply.

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