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Karas POV

enthusiastically walking the give him a bro hug but stops when he realizes that he's still carrying me. So I just give a meek wave as my face turned beet red.

Barry looks down to me and chuckles at my face that was changing many different shades of red.

'So who is that? Girlfriend, mate?'the Julian guy asks. Now it was barrys turn to go red and my turn to laugh he was redder than my cape.

'No I'm not his girlfriend we're just close friends and I broke my back in a fight so I can't use my legs an ba-rry is suppose to bring me to the cortex.' I answer for barry since he was frozen shock but comes back to his senses when I say his name. The two men then start talking again, catching up, whilst walking to the cortex.

Once we reach the cortex barry walks me over to a roller chair and places me down gently. But as he puts me down pain flares from various injuries in my body causing me to scrunch my eyebrows in pain. Barry looks shocked and  Julian who had been watching us the entire time rushed over to me with a worried expression.

'I'm fine. I'm fine just need to get used to the position. I have been lying down for the past week my backs a little stiff.' I say trying to show them that its was nothing serious but it seems that no amount of reassurances would make them worry less for me. Barry zips out of the room and returns with a container of pain meds.

'Here kara.' He says as he hands me two pills and zips of again and returns with a glass of water. 'Thanks Barry' I say before I take the pills and finish the water. Once I was done barry pushes the chair over to the table with the monitors. No less then 5 seconds later the room started flashing red and the alarm went off. Soon after Cisco came running in with a lollipop hanging in his mouth and clearly out of breath. Caitlin came in just after and made a beeline for the monitors she gave me a confused look then turned to the monitors.

'Barry theres a metahuman attack at CCPD! There are hostages!'

'Wait Joes there!' With that he ran off Cisco turns on the camera on his suit and it showed... It showed... Reign.

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