Twenty Eight

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Trixies POV:

Katya brought me home last night and mot waking up next to her feels so unfamiliar. Yesterday was such a great day, I am now officially Katyas girlfriend. I was tired when the alarm rung and I wasnt ready at all to go to school today, but I got my ass up because school meant I got to see Katya and since she is my girlfriend now everything seems so right. I put on a pair of basic shorts and my favorite T-shirt with matching boots. I was so ready for the day suddenly.

I walked to school as usual with my headphones on and a Dolly Parton song playing on repeat, when I hear a bike come closer and stop right next to me "Hello princess how you doing?" Of course it was Katya. My Katya. "Hey Kats I am doing fine. You are already late why did you stop? You know I will not be driving with you on this hell machine" But instead of responding she just shook her head and smiled "Katya no I will walk" "No you won't. I won't let you" I turned around and started but Katya pulled me back at the strap of my bag and turned me to look at her. She grabbed my chin and made me look up to her "I said I won't let you" She smiled and pulled me closer to her to kiss me "Have I told you that you are beautiful?" I smiled and jokingly rolled my eyes "Yes you texted me that every two hours last night" she let my chin go "Well I thought you needed to hear it" before I could answer she tossed me a helmet and started the engine. "Hop on Princess" I dramatically rolled my eyes and sat back behind her, my arms around her waist as she started to drive.

I have to admit that I could get used to her riding me to school every day and having my arms around her waist at least once a day.

We pretty soon arrived at school and she turned off the engine and walked over to help me get down because she knows that a bitch is too small to get down that damn thing without burning herself on the fucking exhaust pipe. I have to admit again that I am kinda happy to be too short because that means that she has to help me get down which A: makes me feel like a princess and B: it makes Katya feel powerful. I know that because after I have my feet on earth again she always smiles. 

She helped me get off her bike and we walked into the building with our fingers tangled together, but she suddenly stops before entering the building. "Is everything ok Kat?" I ask her with a gentle and soft voice. "Yes I am just a little concerned about how people are going to take the fact that you are now my girlfriend" I couldn't believe what I just heard "and what the fuck does that mean? Am I not badass enough for you?" her eyes immediately opened wide and hugged me trying to apologize "No no this is really not what I meant I swear to god Trixie you are perfect the way you are and-" I shushed her by kissing her lips and calming her down. "I know baby I just said that to calm you down" she laughed "Well at first you really did scare me" I pecked her lips again "I know but thats the only way to make you fully calm down afterwards". Before she could say anything I dragged her with me in the building but I kept saying her that everything will be okay. 

She came with me to my locker and helped me pick out the things that I need for today. She read me my timetable and I got the books out. "So Katya" After I had everything that I needed I tried to make a conversation because I had a question "Yes princess?" she lifted her head from my timetable and listened "Are you going to ask Fame why she was so strange last time she saw us together and you know, acted weird about the fact that you were now in a relationship" I tried to act normal but Katya immediately knew that I was uncomfortable, she lifted an eyebrow and looked at me straight in the eyes before taking my hand and gently rubbing her thumb in that soothing circling motion that I love. "Don't worry princess, yes  I am going to talk to her but don't let that bother you aokay? She's just being strange as usual and when I have the time to talk to her about it I will, and afterwards I will tell you because I know that you aren't going to give in on it" she smiled and kissed me. It made me feel better because she was right that whole thing was really bothering me a lot and she was right that I wouldn't be giving in because thats just the way I am. "Thank you Kat I really appreciate it" I gave her a weak smile and she kissed me intensively. "See you at lunch then again Trixie" I nodded and waved because she was going to be late, her class was at the other end of the school.

I made my way to class when Dela came rushing. "Omg Trixie I just saw you and Katya! So you two are really a thing now aren't you?" I smiled and greeted her as well "Hello to you too Dela yes thank you I am fine oh and my weekend was also great thank you" "Oh sorry Hey Trixie now spill the tea" I couldnt help but laugh at how much Dela was dying to know the facts. "Yes Dela, Katya is my girlfriend and things are going great I spent the weekend at hers because her mom wasn't home" her eyes widened and she had a smirk on her face so I immediately stopped her "No Dela we didn't fuck" she made a sad face now "Stop it" I laughed "Okay okay but you have to tell me all the details okay?" I nodded "Okay but first we have to get to class in time" We had 30 seconds and we ran like crazy people and we actually made it.

I couldn't wait to see Katya at lunch so that she finally tells me what the fuck was going on with Fame.

I'm a mess without you ; TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now