Twenty two

423 23 1

Trixies POV

Katya brought me over to hers, the car ride was silent and honestly I wasn't in the mood to talk, the only things I wanted were clean clothes, a show and some sleep. Sleep, that sounds good.

"So princess do you want to let me know what happened?" I stayed silent and looked out of the window, I really didn't want to talk right now. "Its okay if you don't want to tell me now" she put her hand on my thigh and it made me feel so safe, that I couldn't help but let out a little smile.

We were soon at her house and she opened the door for me. "Can I take a shower please?" I asked while we walked inside, she just looked at me and said "Of course princess i am going to give you clean clothes and take all the time you need okay? What do you want for dinner? I will try and cook". She was honestly the sweetest human being I've ever met, I mean she is so caring and cautious, she's such an angel. "Thank you very much Katya, I am not picky with food you can make whatever makes you happy" she quickly turned to face me and kissed me "What was that for Kats?" I asked smiling, "Nothing its just you said whatever makes you happy and you make me happy so I just wanted to let you know that". I kissed her again but this time with more passion, but i had to break the kiss because I really smelled like shit. "I am going to take a shower now" and with that said I walked off to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and let the water run all over my body, it felt so good to feel almost clean again. Katya didn't have the same shampoo as me (obviously) and to be honest I quite liked having a touch of her odor on me, it was a mix of cherry and leather which was strange combination but it still smelled good. It smelled like her.

I was in the shower for about one hour when I heard a loud knock on my door "You aokay princess?" Katya shouted through the door. "Yes I am can I just have like 5 more minutes please?" I felt dirty even after an hour of scrubbing and washing and trying to get clean, "Of course as much as you like. I put you some clean clothes in front of the door". I heard her footsteps go away and I decided that it was time to stop showering. I hopped out and put a towel around my body and my hair and got the clothes from outside the door. She got me a black band t-shirt and some sweatpants, the t-shirt was very tight around my boobs but I didn't care any further, just clean clothes that were all that counted.

I walked back in the kitchen and saw Katya with two pizza boxes in front of her and I couldn't help but laugh "What happened to the 'I am going to cook'?" she looked at me and smiled "Well I am kind of a bad cook, I tried to make pasta but it somehow got burned and then I thought that maybe Pizza would be aokay too". It made me smile because I mean at least she tried, "Yes pizza is perfect"

We sat down on the couch next to each other and she put her arm around me so that I could rest my head on her shoulder and we started to watch a movie, but then she suddenly she paused it and put her arm away to turn a little so that she could look at me "Trixie?" I lifted my head up and looked at her too "Yes Katya?" I knew exactly what she was about to ask me and I didn't want to answer but I knew that I had to "I am going to be straight forward, what happened with John? I mean how wrong could a so to say date go that you wake up in the middle of the woods without knowing where you are or how you got there?" like I said I didn't want to answer that question, it was embarrassing. I started fumbling with my hands and looking everywhere to avoid eye contact (!), but then she held my hand and looked me in the eyes "You don't have to tel me it would just be nice to know since I picked you up crying and with torn clothes and all of that stuff" I had to tell her, she deserved to know it. I took a deep breath and started talking.

"So I met him at the cafe and at first everything was fine and he was being sweet you know? But then he wanted to get back together with me and I got scared because I knew if I was going to say no he would be pissed and aggressive but if I was going to say yes I wouldn't be happy and the relationship would be toxic again, so I said that I had to go to the restroom and I wanted to call you but you didn't pick up and after the third call and probably the 32nd message John came down to the restroom because I was there for like over twenty minutes and I saw that he was angry, he pulled me out of the starbucks into his car and then he..." I couldn't finish the sentence because my eyes started to tear up, I felt so dirty and I didn't want to tell her because she could think that I am weak or that i am a whore or something like that, I didn't  want to lose her.

I'm a mess without you ; TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now