Twenty seven

428 16 4

Katyas POV:

Wow so Trixie really was my real life girlfriend now. Everything went off smoothly I told her how I felt and my worries and all of that shit, luckily for me in the end she said yes. But then Fame had to come of course and ruin everything. I saw that she had kind of a problem with Trixie and I now being together and I have to talk to her later.

We sat on the bench a little longer and talked "Can we go somewhere else please? I am getting cold" Trixie said "Yes you know what lets go eat somewhere fancy to celebrate aokay?" she looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows a little "Sorry but I left my purse with my money at your place. Maybe we can go get it and then go out" I chuckled because it was funny ow she thought that we were going to split the bill "No getting money, ill pay" but she immediately shook her head "Nuh-uh you paid the dress already now its my time to pay" this time I really burst out laughing "No no no princess I still have to make it up to you that I wasn't there when you needed me last time" Trixie shook her head again "You already made it up to me, by being my girlfriend you made everything up to me, and I don't want to hear another apology from you because of that one time that was super long ago. It. Wasn't. Your. Fault." she gave me hug and we got up "It was my fault and I will still pay and  your little speech was super cute and adorable" we linked arms and started walking toward the restaurant "You are unbelievably stubborn Katya Zamolodchikova" I smiled and nodded "I know princess".

We found a fancy looking restaurant. It was peaceful but still a little crowded.  We sat down at a table more in the back where it wasn't so loud and looked at our menus."so what do you want to eat?" I asked, she looked up from her menu card with a frown "Princess, you can have whatever you want. Don't worry about the price okay?" she raised an eyebrow  "Id like to have the tomato soup with fries then" she finally said and  I just couldn't help but laugh "Trix you are so sweet but you have a weird taste" she chuckled and tried to explain to me her choice but she couldn't convince me. That was a choice. 

I ordered a burger and she ordered her weird food combo. We ate it pretty quickly and talked a lot until it was dark outside. "Shit Katya my mom is going to kill me if I come home too late!" I looked at my phone an gasped because it was already 9:00pm and I know that Trixie is only allowed to be out until 9:30pm if the next day is a school day. "Okay okay no panic we are going to get you home on tike okay princess?" she nodded and we quickly paid and run back to my house. 

Once we arrived she picked up all her stuff and we rushed to my bike "Nuh-uh no chance I am going on this death machine" she waited in front of it "Come on its the quickest way and I don't know about you but I don't want your mom to kill us" she dramatically rolled her eyes and sat behind me "Good girl" I said jokingly, she hit my shoulder and I could feel her dramatically rolling her eyes "Just drive". She grabbed on to my waist the whole time and I could feel her body all tensed up and her eyes were probably close shut. I knew that she really didn't like my motorcycle but this time we really had to use it because like I said it is the quickest way to get her beautiful big ass home. 

We arrived there in a record time and it was 9:27pm so we made it. We made it! I turned the engine off and helped her down. "Thank you for that amazing weekend Katya I really appreciate everything that you did for me and I am going to make the dinner up to you I swear" she looked me right in the eyes "Don't worry princess ill do anything for you". We kissed and it felt so right this time. I mean not that all the times before I didn't like it its just that now she's my girlfriend and I can kiss her whenever and where I want (as long as she's okay with it of course). She run to her house and I watched her, more specifically her huge butt. After making sure shed got home safe I got in the car and drove home. The whole drive I couldn't stop smiling because of the thought that she was now officially my girlfriend. Trixie Mattel. My. Girlfriend. 

I got home soon and went up to my bedroom. I was so exhausted even tho I haven't done much. I kept thinking about this amazing day and the fact that Trixie was now my girlfriend, and then Fame popped up in my mind again. The way she was acting. Strange. It threw me kinda off but I mean I can still talk to her tomorrow and ask her what the fuck was wrong with her, but until then, Trixie flooded my mind and I closed my eyes to a beautiful thought of Trixie and this great day and the fact that she's my girlfriend now, I soon drifted off to sleep, wondering if I was on Trixies mind too or if she was already asleep.

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