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Trixies POV:
Today was a new day and I woke up to a message from my ex boyfriend John. I had already forgotten him and I was getting over it but this Text really shook me

Motherfucker: Hey Trixie I am sorry how things went the last time we texted. I didn't want to hurt you and I am sorry. I'm coming to town today and maybe you want to meet up or something? We could get coffee and talk because we have a lot to say to each other I think ;)

Trixie🌸: Hey hahah well if it's necessary. I agree that we have things to say

John🙄: okay cool see you at 3:00pm in Starbucks near maple street?

Trixie🌸: K see you later

John🙄: See you later can't wait xx

Wow that was gay huh but he wants to meet me! I don't know how I feel about this tho because shit could go either way but there's one thing I am sure of; I have to tell Katya

"Hey princess how was your day so far?" Katya asked. Tell her. Tell her. Tell her. "Well I don't think waking up early is the best thing" Shit. I don't know why it was so hard to tell her but I mean hey I'm just meeting him and getting coffee right? Nothing too bad is going to happen right? I had no answers yet but I am sure it is going to be all right. Right?

Katya and I small talked a little longer but then unfortunately had to go to separate classes but as always we'll meet under the tree at lunch, and this time I am really going to tell her even if I don't know why I am meeting him. To talk to him. Right?

So lunch came pretty fast and I soon found myself with Katya again. "Sooo what are you doing after school? Maybe wanna go to chipotle or something?" She started the conversation, and now I had no excuses to not tell her anymore. "Well actually remember John? Or I think you know him under the nickname that you gave him 'Motherfucker', so basically he texted me and I am going to meet him after class" Her eyes widened suddenly "Are you crazy? He's an asshole! What if he's going to kidnap you or some shit?" She clearly wasn't happy, but I mean she had to take it how it is. I am going to meet him after class. "Don't worry Kats I'll be fine. And if you want I can text you if something bad happens" I tried to make her feel better about the whole situation. "Oh no bitch if something bad happens you are going to call me and I'll be there ok?"

God she was so sweet

"Okay thank you Katya" I hug her and we continue talking a bit more and eating. I already started to get nervous about this whole meeting him thing, but I knew nothing was going to go wrong right? Right. I had to tell myself that I was fine and if I wasn't, I simply had to call Katya, because she is there for me and I know it.

Lunch time came to an end pretty quick which made me pretty sad because it meant that I would see John sooner.

As if the lunch coming to an end wasn't bad enough, school day came to an end too so now I had to go see John...

"Remember call me when something is wrong or if you want me to go pick you up ok princess?" I smiled and nodded at Katya who stood in front of me to say goodbye. "Don't worry Kats ill be aokay" She hugged me one last time and we went separate ways. 


It was 2:58 pm when I arrived at the starbucks I was supposed to meet John and he was already inside. "Hey Trixie!" He immediately jumped up when he saw me coming in. "Hey Joh-" his hug cut me off, it was strange to see that he was able to hug me without grabbing my ass. I took a step back after like 10 seconds of hugging because it made me uncomfortable. We sat down at the table he sat waiting for me and he already ordered drinks, "I ordered you a latte with honey, I hope you still like it", he obviously tried to impress me by referring to details from years ago and it was kinda sweet actually. After a few seconds of awkward silence he started talking again "So how have you been? Any news? Did you have someone new while we weren't together?" wow so he went straight to the point huh. "Ive been good thank you and no nothing special I go to school like every other teenager and no I haven't gotten anyone new while we weren't together, and what about you?" I took a sip of my latte and waited for him to answer, I was sure that he had like 10 new girlfriend in the past years. 

"Actually nothing special either my life is boring without you and I haven't got anyone new because you are the one for me". Now that was straight to the point wasnt it? "Oh thank you but I think you can move on because the way you treated me showed me that you aren't the one for me" his face made a sad expression and honestly I was kinda scared about how today is going to turn out. "see Trixie I am really sorry about what happened between us and I will do anything to fix it, I really care about you and I want us to be happy together for ever" Shit I know that if I say no he's going to get aggressive but if I say yes I am going to hate myself for that and right now theres only one thing that comes to my mind.Katya. "I have to go use the restroom ill be right back"

I'm a mess without you ; TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now