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happy birthday laura (:

this chapter has been edited //


These Three Years Chapter 7!



There's nothing in the whole world that could make me any more mad right now. After my little moment with Laura yesterday, my mind is having mixed emotions and I don't like it. I love Rose, I know that, and to get my mind off of things I decided I'd take her out today, just to remind myself of my love for her, not Laura.

"Ross!" Riker yelled at me from downstairs. "What?" I called back. "Rose is here!" he yelled and I froze, I'm not even ready. "Shit," I mumbled. "I'll be right there!" I yelled and looked for something nice to wear. "I knew you weren't ready," Rose said, walking into my room.

"Look Rose, I just lost track of time, an-" "How did you loose track of time? It doesn't look like you were doing much," she said, referring to my t-shirt and sweats. "I was writinjg music," I covered up. "With what instruments?" she asked, squinting her eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? Can we just forget about it and enjoy our date," I asked Rose. Rose looked at me, like right at me. "Ross, call me when you get your head straight," and with that she walked out of the room.

"Are you kidding me right now?" I ask myself and fall back onto my bed. I roll over and see a framed picture of me, and Laura. Why do I even have that? I picked it up and looked at the picture.

It was from our three month anniversary, the time we went surfing. It  was the picture Laura's auntie took. (a/n- omg do you remember this? *laughing and crying emoji*)

I flipped the frame over and read the engravemnt on the back.

Happy Three Month Anniversary Ross

I love you with all my heart, and I always will


'Always will', haha, yeah right. I doubt she still loves me to this day.

My thoughts are intererupted by the doorbell ringing. I throw the picture onto my bed and run to the door. I open it up to reveal a cold Laura, holding her precious little brown songwriting book. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. She pushes past me and walks into the living room and sets her book on the brown coffee table.

"You know this is my house right?" I said, going into the kitchen. "You know I don't care, right?" she snapped and dug her head into her book. I rolled my eyes. "Laura, you're here, great. Sorry, Ross is on a date so we thought this was the best time to have a meeting. "Uhm, Riker, I'm right here," I said, walking into the living room. "Ross? You're supposed to be on date," Riker said and Laura snickered. "She canceled," I said casually, sitting down on a chair.

"O-kay, I guess you will be partaking in this meeting then," Riker said. I shrugged and we watied for everyone else to come downstairs.

Rydel came first, then Rocky, then Ellington, and then finally Ryland.

Rydel sat beside Laura, just so that it wouldn't be awkward for her. That's nice of her, but who cares if she feels awkward. She's literally the most awkward person in the world, and she knows it.

"Well, guys I have big news," Riker said, stadning up. "Which is?" Rydel asked, lifting her eyebrows. Riker looked at Laura and Laura looked at him. Are those two like dating or something? No, they can't be.

"Hollywood Records said that since our single is doing so well, they want us to record a bonus track for the new album, and they said only two people can write it," Riker said. I nodded and then it clicked.

Laura and I were forced to write a song yesterday. Why not save the time and just use that one? "Riker, Laura and I had to write a song yesterday, why don't we just use that one?," I suggested and Laura wide eyed me. "No, I don't think that's a good idea," Laura said, unsure of herself.

"Yes it is. It saves time and energy for everyone,"  I said, now facing her. "No Ross, we're not using that song!" she snapped. "Why the hell not?" I yelled and the room went silent. Laura lowered her head.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm just going to go now," Laura said, grabbing her things. "Of course, little Laura has to run away from her fears," I yell at her, now standing up. "Ross!" Rydel gasps. "I'm not running away, I just don't want to be here anymore," Laura said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right, you just can't spend a single minute around me without wanting to leave!" I yell. She takes a deep breath. "Ross, leave me alone," Laura said, a tear falling down her cheek. "No! You know what, no. I won't leave you alone! You need to explain to me what happened to you. What happened to the Laura that was nice, the Laura that cared about people, tha Laura I fell so in love with. Where did she go? And more importantly, why was she replaced with such a bitchy person? Why do you treat me like I'm nothing? Am I really just another annoyance for you? Do I really mean absolutely nothing to you?" I yelled in her face.

Riker was now walking over to us and pulling me away. "No! She needs to give me an answer!" I yell as Riker pulls me away and the last thing I see is Rydel hugging Laura before Riker pulls me into the kitchen and punches me in the face.


^ that was intense, whoa.
comment your thoughts, I hope this makes up for lack of updates.

much love,


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