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chap dedicated to @latenight_writer

enjoy (:



"But Sir, I can't write for R5, you just don't understand. I literally cannot write for them. I'll take anyone else," I practically begged.

"Look Laura, you were assigned to them because we think your talents will highlight theirs nicely, you either take it or leave it, it's up to you," he said, narrowing his eyes. I want to refuse, I do, but I'm running low on funds for bills and this job could lead me into bigger things.

"Fine," I gave in and he shook my hand. "Their studio session as at 3 and its 2:20, they're going to be here in about ten minutes, don't be afraid to introduce yourself to them," he insisted. I forced a smile.

"Oh, I don't think I need to introduce myself." I thought, sighing and exiting the room. I walked down the hall and over to the front desk to check in for the studio session, then I went up to the recording booth.

I walked in and there were two other guys there, I'm guessing who are songwriters too. I smiled at them and they waved.

I guess this could be worse, I mean I do miss Rydel, and maybe Rocky and Riker. It's really just Ross I don't want to work with. He's gonna find it awkward and I honestly don't blame him, but if it's awkward for him, it's ten times worse for me.

I pull out my journal and start writing some random lyrics down about the situation, just for fun really. As I reach the chours of the so called song I was writing, laughter erupted in the room as three blondes and two brunettes entered through the doors, talking about some memories they had on tour recently. I don't look up, I'm too scared. If they really even care about me, maybe they'll just leave me be.


"Uhm, hey Laura," Riker said softly, not wanting to hurt feelings. I turn on professional Laura and smile at him. "Hey Riker, it's a pleasure to be working with you," I said before dropping back down to my seat and shove my face into my book. I then feel someone sit down next to me. I don't really look at who it is, because to be honest I don't really care.

"I missed ya," Rydel whispered to me. I smiled at her. "I missed you too," I whispered back. She smiled and then paid attention to some producers that were explaining what song they were going to record.

"Listen up Guys! We have some brand new talent on our hands here, so let's have the new songwriting crew introduce themselves!" one man said. I shyly made my way to the centre of the room. Ross was on his phone, texing Rose probably. He didn't look the least bit interested. I frowned. Jerk.

"Uhm, hey guys. I'm Ryan, and I've been writing since I could walk," he said and everyone laughed, except for Ross, who buried his head further into his phone.

"Hey, I"m Korbin. I'm pumped to be here, I've been writing for six years now and I'm ready to get some professional experience," he said smiling and they all thanked him and then all eyes were on me, even Ross'.

"Uhm, I'm Laura, I love songwriting because I feel like it gives me a feeling of freedom and an expression of thought I can't get anyhwere else," I started, but kept going.

"But I'm mostly here because I need a job, and sorry to say but working with attitude over there isn't going to make this any easier," I said pointing to Ross and he wide eyed me and then glared.

"So, let's get on with the music because that's the soul purpose I"m here," I said, taking a seat and pulling out a few sheets of paper and a sharpened pencil, tapping it against the granite surface I was currently sitting by.

I know he's staring at me, and I know why. I insulted him, and he's mad, but he can live with it.

If we're going to work together, he's going to need to get used to working with a different person, because I'm not the same person I used to be before college.

I'm different, and there's no way I'll ever go soft for that boy, not today, not ever.

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