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I walk into my house and crash down onto the couch. I just can't believe that happened. I actually saw him, and I swear he couldn't stop looking at me, it was kind of weird.

I can't believe that he has a girlfriend, who is a recording artist herself. I can't compete with that. Wait what? No, I'm not looking to compete, I've moved on from Ross now, it's time to look into something new, something better, like he has.

I turned over to see a framed picture of Ross and I at school one day walking down the halls, hand in hand. A tear slipped out of my eye knowing that he didn't ever really love me enough to wait for me. I picked up the frame and slammed it to the ground, causing the glass to shatter everywhere.

He moved on Laura, he moved on, just let it go.

Did it hurt seeing Ross with another girl? Kind of. Does it hurt knowing that Ross doesn't still have feelings for me? Yes.

I sighed. Might as well move on with my life, I can't be stuck on him forever, so might as well just get on with my life.

I pick up my job application and throw it into my bag which I'm going to take to the post office later. I"m sending a songwriting application to Hollywood Records. I heard that they may need some new songwriters so what better way to get my career started off.

I was about to go into the kitchen to make lunch when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and it was...


I picked up, shocked.


"Hey Laura, do you think you can meet me at the 2nd avenue coffee shop?"

"Sure, uhm right now?"

"Yeah, right now,"

"Okay, I"m on my way,"

I then hung up the phone, grabbed my pruse and jacket, locked the door to the house and got into my car to begin driving towards 2nd Avenue.

What did Maia need? How did she still even have my number?


"Laura!" I could recognize the aussie accent anywhere. "Maia, hi!" I said taking a seat. She sipped whatever she was drinking and then properly greeted me.

"It's been awhile, I"m happy you could come. There's something I need to tell you," she said, trying to play it cool but obvouisly that was not the case. "What is it Maia?" I asked, frowning.

"I uhm, I well, I dropped out of college," she stammered, looking down. My jaw dropped and I widened my eyes. That was so unlike her. "Maia, what on earth were you th-" "I know, I know it's stupid, but I dropped out for a reason," she said, lifting her eyes to meet mine.

"Oh gosh, please don't tell me you're pregnant," I said, widening my eyes even more.

"Laura! Oh gosh no! No that's not it at all," Maia said, laughing a little. I laughed too. "Okay good, then what is it?" I asked.

"I want to pursue a career in acting, and I need somewhere to stay while I do so," she said, her eyes brightening up. "Do you think I could stay with you and Ross?" she asked and I nearly choked on my own saliva.

"Maia, Ross and I aren't together, we haven't talked in over three years. I went to college," I explained and she slowly nodded. "But, you're welcome to stay with me, for as long as you need," I said. She squealed and hugged me. I laughed and returned the hug.

It finally felt as if a part of me was filled with her back in my life. It was like she was finally my friend again, and I'm happy becuase I really need her.

Ross who?



"So, you saw her?" Rydel questioned. I nodded, still not quite sure what the encounter had done to my thoughts, but I couldn't shake it from my head. "Yeah, and Rydel, she looked, just wow. Stunning," I said, sighing a little.

"Ross? Do you still have feelings for Laura?" Rydel asked in a serious tone. I want to deny it and say 'What? No are you crazy? I have a girlfriend!' but I can't say that. "Maybe," I said, biting my lip. "Ross, your 4 month anniversary with Rose is tomorrow. You guys are going to be going to her big movie permiere together? Remember?" Rydel asked.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that Rose is an actress too. Well, now you know. She's sorta like a double threat, but sadly, I completely forgot about the preimere, and the anniversary.

"No Rydel, I forgot. Is that bad?" I asked, scratching my neck. "Yeah Ross. Don't get me wrong I'd rather you be with Laura than Rose, but you've been dating Rose for awhile now, you should at least be able to remember the milestones in your own relationship. I nodded.

"Yeah, I know," I said before Rydel turned and walked out of the kitchen.

I sighed and looked at the clock. 1:15 pm. Maybe I just need to refresh my brain.

I walk up to my room and grab a guitar and start figuring out some chords that sound good together. I try to write lyrics but I'm only able to come up with things that remind me of Laura.

Am I still in love with Laura? No, there's no way. Maybe I still like her a little? No, that can't be either.

All I know is that I want to hold her in my arms and protect her from all the bad and evil of the world and be able to call her beautiful and call her mine. That's far-fetched sadly however, Laura doesn't feel that way anymore.

I can't handle these feelings inside of me. I just want Laura to know that I still care about her and maybe we can be friends?

No, she wouldn't want that. May-

"Ross! Ross!" I heard Riker yell. I exit my room and walk downstairs. "What Riker?" I asked.

"Dude, you're not gonna like this, we just got it in the mail," Riker said handing me a slip of paper.

Hey R5!

You guys have become extremely successful over the past few years and as you know, Hollywood Records has decided to get some new help around here. To make you guys ever better, we've devised up a brand new songwriting team

Here are their names:

Korbin Sharck

Ryan Goodnewt

Laura Marano

See you in the studio!



thanks for your lovely support (:


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