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All I can see is black, literally. I feel like I'm inside a tiny box, and I'm not sure how I got here, I only remember arguing with Ross.

As my eyes adjusted to the blackness, I see a door to my left and immidiately reach for the doorknob. I jiggled it  a little but no luck, it's locked. "Shit," I mutter as I start to panic. What if nobody else is here anymore? What happens if it's 3:00 in the morning and this place is closed? I banged on the door a little to see if anyone would respond, but no luck.

Who the hell would lock me in a closet?

I kicked the door in anger and to my luck, I heard footsteps walking past the closet and now the handle was being jiggled from the other side.

"Hello?" I yelled, kind of scared. "Laura? Hang on," I heard a voice from the other side say I hear something in the lock and then the door swings open, daylight spreading into the once darkened closet.

I look up to see a face that was somewhat familiar. "Rose?" I asked, standing up. "Yeah, Laura hi, why are you in a closet?" she asked, a little confused. I shrugged. "I honestly don't know, the last thing I remember was fighting with Ross, and th-," then everything clicked. Ross put me there. He had me pinned up against the wall so hard that I could barely breathe. I must have passed out and he probably took me there to make sure he didn't get caught.

"You and Ross fought?" Rose asked, narrowing her eyes. I ignored her and walked back to the recording studio. He better be in there.


I walk into the room and everyone turns and stares at me. "Uh oh," Ross said under his breath, trying to leave but I stopped him. "Where you going blondie? Why don't you explain to everyone how you knocked me unconscious and locked me in a closet?" I said angrily, looking right into his eyes.

"Ross!" Rydel yelled and came to hug me. Riker just looked shocked, Rocky dropped his coffee and Ratliff was just looking at him waiting for him to say something. Ross stuttered, before he realized no lie could get him out of this one. "We got into an argument and it just got a little carried away," he said, looking at the floor. "A little? She's our songwriter Ross, grow up," Rocky said before leaving the room, Ratliff following.

"I can't believe you," Riker said, shaking his head and turning back to his lyric sheet. Ross just frowned and I looked at him intently. "Don't you have anything to say to me?" Ross asked Rydel, as if expecting her to say something. She shook her head. "I have no words to describe this," she said before walking over to Riker. I tried to walk out when he pulled me aside.

"Laura, I'm sorry, it was just in the heat of the moment, I got too mad," Ross said, trying to reason with me. I roll my eyes. "That's no reason to knock someone out Ross," I said, avoiding eyes contact. "I know, just accept the stupid apology," Ross said annoyed. I smirked. "If it's so stupid then why should I accept it?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Laura, don't start," he said, annoyed, but a small smile forming on his face. "Too late," I said before walking away. "Laura! We have a studio session right away! You can't leave!" he yelled. "And since when can you tell me what I have to do?" I sneered, but started walking towards the recording studio. He walked quickly behind me.

"You didn't accept my apology," Ross complained.

"You said it was stupid," I complained back. He rolled his eyes and stopped talking, realizing he wasn't going to win.


"Alright, great studio session everyone, Ross can you stay back and Laura can I talk to you for a minute?" a producer asked. I nodded and walked over to him.

"Look Laura, Ross has been having some block lately, he usually is always writing songs and asking if R5 can record them, but he hasn't in over 2 months," the producer began. I nodded, signaling for him to proceed.

"I want you two to stay in the studio tonight and help him overcome his blockage, he can't loose his ability to write, he's too talented," the producer finished. A song?

With Ross?

"Uhm, I don't real-" "Great I knew you'd want to do it, the studio is all yours," he said before walking out of the rooom. I sigh deeply, knowing all I have to do is write the song by myself and tell him to go home.

"Ross, you can leave. I'll write a song myself," I said, kind of annoyed. He shrugged and went to open the door but it wouldn't move. "It's locked," he said, falling down onto a couch.

"Great, now I'm stuck here," I said, resting my head on the keys of the piano. "Yeah, well this ain't no picnic for me either," he said before throwing his head into the couch. I played those words over and over in my head.

That could make some cool lyrics. I start hitting some keys and eventually get a melody.

Ohhh, now I"m stuck here

It ain't no picnic, no,  it ain't no picnic for you either

I sang the lyrics out and looked over to Ross, who had his eyes closed, and he was smiling, just taking in the sound of the piano. I write it down quickly and look over at him who is now looking at me, just staring at me, but he then smiled.

And before I knew it, I was smiling back.


seems like music is the only thing they can connect with, right now....

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& follow @partyr5 on instagram cause it's my accounts new name (:

much love,


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