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Listen to 'Wonderland' by Taylor Swift for this chapter (:


- 2 Months Later -

Ellington and I were sitting in the hotel restaurant when she walked in, holding her brown songbook in hand and walked over to us, pulling up a chair.

"It's our last weekend in New York, and I know just what we're going to do you guys," Ellington said, pointing his finger in the air. "And what would that be?" I asked, taking a drink of the coffee in my hand. "We're going to every single sight there is too see in New York City!" Ellington remarked and I smiled at his childness.

"Oh yeah Ellington, and where are we going to get the money for that?" Laura asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Ellington scratched the back, realizing that we didn't have that kind of money. "Yeah, that may be a problem," Ellington realized, putting his head in his hands.

I laughed at him and reached for Laura's brown book. She smacked my hand away. "That book is confidential Lynch, don't try that again," she warned, putting her book in her lap as I put my hands up in defense.

"So what are we going to do if we don't have money to sight see?" Ellington asked, glancing at both Laura and I.

"We could write some more music," I suggested, gesturing to the piles upon piles of guitar and piano notes we had composed over the past few weeks. We had everything from drums to piano to bass to rythm guitar to ukelele even. We had over 300 sheets of music. It's safe to say this trip was a success.

But the trip wasn't just a success because of the music.

I finally came clean to Laura about all of the lying I was doing about dating Rose. I was able to talk to her, to make her open up to me, and I kissed her.

I'm not going to say that I'm in love with Laura, because I'm not. I want to fall back in love with her, and I feel myself slowly falling back again.

I just hope that Laura's returned love will break my fall.

"Ross?" Laura said, waving her hand in my face, making me wake up from my little day dream. "Huh?" I asked, coming back to reality. "Ratliff said we already have more than enough material song wise, got any other plans?" she asked, raising her eyebrow. It was cute actually.

"Nah, I'm all out," I said, leaning back in my chair, smirking at Laura. "Well, okay then, guess we're just chilling around the hotel for the next two days," Laura confirmed, also leaning back in her chair, smirking back at me. "Fine, then I'm going to the vending machine," Ellington said, getting up and leaving the table to find the nearest vending machine.

"Why are you staring at me?" Laura asked, a smirk still plastered on her face. "Because it's a free country and I'm pretty sure Obama didn't set any laws against staring at beautiful people," I taunted back, my smirk growing bigger, my eyes not leaving hers.

"Oh really? You think I'm beautiful?" she said, her cheeks tinting a light pink. "Maybe," I said, my smirk forming into a smile. "Well, Mr. Lynch, last time I checked staring at people is kind of creepy," Laura said, returning my smile. "Yeah, if you don't know the person," I retorted. "Well, maybe I don't know you," Laura said shrugging her shoulders.

"Really? You actually think you don't know me?" I laughed and stood up, grabbing her hand. "Where are we going?" she asked. "I'm going to prove to you that you know who I am," I smirked, pulling her into the elevator.

The doors shut and I pressed all of the floor buttons, and there were 24 floors.

"Ross! Someone's going to be getting on here and they won't be able to get to the lobby!" Laura said a bit wearily. I laughed. "Calm down Laura, it's just an elevator," I said before the doors opened to the second floor where a couple was standing waiting for the elevator to come up.

"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs whatever your names are, some immature and bratty kids pressed all of those buttons and I'm afraid that if you step on there, you won't be getting off for awhile," I lied, making Laura snicker a little bit behind me.

"Oh dear, children these days. Thank you young man, such a gentelman," the woman said before walking back down the hallway with her husband following. Once they were out of site I completely lost it. "Did you see her face? She thought you were her saving grace," Laura said, laughing along with me. "I know right, who knew that hanging around in a hotel could be such fun," I said between laughs.

We continued laughing until we heard footsteps behind us, and we both turned around to see a little girl standing in front of us. "Oh my gosh, you're Ross Lynch! Mommy! Come quick! It's Ross Lynch!" the little girl shrieked. A woman flew around the hallway with a small book and a phone to her ear. Wow, such a great parent.

She stuck the book in my face and gave me a pen, which is what I'm guessing was for an autograph. I sighed and signed the book for the little girl, handing it back to her, making her scream louder.

"Aw, aren't fans adorable?" Laura laughed, so adorably. "Haha, yeah, they're the cutest," I said sarcastically. Laura kept laughing just because she thinks everything awkward that happens to me is halarious.

So I leaned in and kissed her full on. Laura melted into it because I began to feel her kiss back. Her hands tangled in my hair and mine cupped her face, and eventually it got pretty heated.

But the lack of oxygen made us pull apart, and we put our foreheads on each other's.

"No one needs to know about this," Laura breathed out.

"No one else matters, so why would I tell them?" I whispered, my eyes still shut from our kiss.

I'm falling for her, and god damn it, I'm falling fast.


woah hey sorry about the huge wait, but im finally done finals whoohoo

thank you for all of the reads, you guys literally rock

new update asap cause i want you guys to see more :)


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