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// edited //

song for this chapter - they don't know about us - 1D

enjoy! :))


I regretted the words as soon as they flew out of my mouth. Did I just put everything at risk? I wanted to gather up those three words, turn on my heel and get out of there, but I was frozen, stuck in the moment.

"Ross?" Laura asked, a bit dazed after what I had said. I gulped. "I uh, I think I should go," I said, going towards the door. "That's probably a good idea," she complied, and and I nodded and left the room, getting Ratliff, and leaving.

I dropped Ratliff off at his house before driving over to a park, because I honestly needed some time just to be alone.

I sat down in the cool grass and ran my hands through it, wishing I could hide here forever.

"Peaceful here, isn't it?" a voice asked. I knew that voice anywhere. I turn around to see Rose standing there, leaning against the large oak tree behind me. I sighed. I was going to have to face it sooner or later. "Yeah," I agreed as she sat down beside me.

"I did a magazine interview today and told them we were through. I kind of figured the publicity stunt was over, so I just put an end to it," she explained. I sighed, half relieved, half stressed. "Sorry Rose," I stated simply, knowing I had kind of let her down. She shrugged her shoulders. "It's whatever. We had a good run, nothing we can do about it now," she said, picking up a bright green leaf.

"We were supposed to do the breakup together," I reminded, turning to face her. Don't get me wrong, Rose was very beautiful, but she was also a multi-platinum pop star, so that made her a bit more stuck up than she needed to be. "I know, but I just kind of felt like it was the time for me to say it. We hadn't been spotted anywhere together in like 4 months! It was about time Ross," she answered, making me satisfied.

"Sorry I'm such an asshole," I whispered, and she put a friendly hand on my shoulder. "You aren't an asshole Ross, you just get carried away a little too easily," she stated, smiling a little. Not that it didn't comfort me, it's just that after what I said to Laura, there's no way I'll be able to be comforted. I bowed my head, just breathing and enjoying that small amount of time with Rose, when we heard the snap of a camera. "Shit," I muttered and turned around.

"Everyone at the office knew you guys couldn't be broken up! Now we got proof! See you on the cover!" some man yelled at us and started walking away. I got up and chased him, stopping him before he could into his car. Damn press.

"Delete the photo, now," I sneered and the man laughed in my face. "I don't think so kid, this picture is my next paycheck," he smiled, trying to get into his car, but I grabbed the camera. "Kid, give that back," he warned but I shook my head, trying to find the picture. For some reason, it wasn't anywhere on the camera, and that was even more confusing.

"I'm not giving it back until you tell me where the picture is that you just took," I stated, standing my ground. He huffed before swinging his arm at my face, making me dodge his hit and almost loose the camera. "What the hell?" I asked, glaring at the man. "Give me the damn camera kid, that picture is going to save my career!" he yelled. Rose started to walk over since she heard the yelling.

"Please sir, don't publish the picture, we're not together anymore, just being friendly," Rose insisted as I looked through the camera. The damn photo was nowhere to be seen. "Where the hell is the picture!" I yelled mkaing both the man and Rose flinch. "Shut up kid, will you?" He sneered and tried grabbing his camera once again, but I put it out of reach.

"Look Lynch, you don't know who you're messing with," the man stammered. I raised my eyebrows. "Of course I do, I'm messing with the damn press, and you're all disgusting," I spat, the thought of the picture leaving my mind. "Oh kid, I'm not the paparazzi," he smirked. I laughed. Was he on drugs or something?

"Who the hell are you then?" I asked, my grip tightening on the camera. "I'm technically supposed to be dead, but I'm working undercover to bust myths about celeberties. I'm trying to earn back all the money I lost and trying to earn back my right to exist, happy? Now give me my damn camera," he insisted. "What's your name?" I asked, hoping it wouldn't be what I thought.

"David Marano, what's it to you?" he snarled, and I dropped the camera. It was Laura's dad, the one that was supposed to of died in a criminal hacking. Laura's mother was supposed to have died too, so I bet my lucky hat that she's still around somewhere too.

"You're Laura's Father?" I asked, as he was trying to fix his camera. His eyes darted towards mine. "How do you know about my daughter?" he spat. I gulped. "With all do respect, sir, I'm in love with your daughter," I confessed. His eyes softened and it felt like he was happy, but the moment quickly ended. "How the hell would you even know who my daughter is," he stated. "It's a long story sir, but I assure you she's doing great," I tell him, suddenly having an urge to hold Laura tightly in my arms.

"My daughter is the only thing I will have left, she deserves better than you," he spat out at me, making me flinch. He turned around, got into his car and left.

"Whoah," Rose stated and I nodded. "I gotta tell Laura," I insisted. "Ross, calm down, don't force this on her," Rose complied. I nodded. I guess she had a point.

Laura's father was alive, and for all I know so is her mother, and for all I don't know, there is a lot more to this whole thing than just two surviving parents who are supposed to be dead.

With my mind racing a thousand miles a minute, I got into my car and left the park. I'm in love with a girl who's absolutely beautiful but is secretive and might not even return my feelings. I have a possible picture of me with my ex-girlfriend that could be published any day, and I know about Laura's dead parents and how her father is still alive. How?

How did I get myself into this? Because if there's one thing I know it's that Laura Marie Marano, the basic love of my life, will be the death of me.

The absolute death.


woah hey so yeah sorry about this it's really sloppy and yeah I'll try to make the next chapter better.

and i know in real life Laura's father's name is Damanio but I  wanted to use david cause tbh Damanio takes much more effort to write.. sorry #oops

laura's parents are stil alive *widens eyes and puts hands on cheeks and makes a suprised face* so yeah whooo

make sure to vote for Laura, Ross, and Austin and Ally for the KCA's and for R5 for the RDMAS cause they're all nominated :')

comment or vote, whatever floats your boat :)

much love,


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