Chapter 26 - Healing Sorrow

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Chapter 26

Healing Sorrow

I could feel it in my soul, the battle was near. I couldn't explain exactly how I knew it, but deep down inside, I knew.

It was like a warning of constant deja vu and the continuous building of power deep within me, building to the point of exploding. I was constantly on edge, and my powers coursed readily through me, urging to be unleashed.

It had been a week since Gabriel and Michael left to search for Fin and still, they had no luck finding him. Michael spoke to me often throughout each day, but I hadn't seen him for and the entire week.

Travis and I kept our distance from each other and I dared not even look in his
direction, but it seemed he couldn't stop staring at me.

My friends even began to notice and Marcus was ready to knock him to the floor for Michael. I guess I should appreciate that Marcus would stick up for Michael, but for some reason, I felt the need to protect Travis.

I didn't understand the annoying pull I had to be near him, to hear him speak, or to see his smile. This couldn't be. I loved Michael and I knew that with all of my heart, but why did I keep thinking of the kiss Travis stole by the lake? Why does the memory spark warmth on my lips?

I eventually found an ingredient for a potion that allowed me to test Travis's prophecies. If they were real, the scroll would glow a golden color before returning to normal. If they were
false the scroll would burn up, leaving no traces of the false prophesy.

The ingredients for the potion, however, were quite strange, so it took me a while to figure out where and how to get them.

One in particular puzzled me the entire week, but finally I just asked my mother and was surprised by the answer. The hitchum vaelorum was a vial of Vampire
blood. I needed it to complete the potion. The only Vampire I knew was Timothy, so that was where I headed after making sure that a half Vampire's blood would work.

Strangely enough, Timothy had a clinic full of injured students. One would think we already had our battle, but the fact was, we were still in practice mode. Everyone was preparing, even the
parents. There were also a few accidents from the new apartments that the guys were building further down the lake drive. Some kids and hammers don't mix well. I chuckled when I saw how exhausted Timothy was as he healed the smashed thumb of ten-year-old Wyatt Mathews.

He looked up and rolled his eyes at me. I didn't think he had it in him to be sarcastic. I laughed at the thought.

"I see you have your hands full!" I commented while trying not to laugh.

"Uh huh," he mumbled sarcastically. "How can I help you, Savina? You're not hurt, too, are you?" he asked and then looked up worriedly as he tried to assess me.

I shook my head, "Oh no, I'm fine!" I held up my hands. "I just need to talk to you
whenever the wounded stop coming in."

He finally cracked a smile at me and nodded. "If Marcus would stop letting the younger ones help with the apartment's maybe I wouldn't have a clinic full," he scowled.

I chuckled again. I guess Marcus had better stay away from Timothy for a while.

I helped Timothy with the simple injuries that he said wouldn't hurt to heal on their own. So, I made myself useful with the wound cleaner and band aids. The kids I treated were upset that Timothy
wouldn't just heal them, so I told them that they could handle a scratch or a small cut and get back to work.

Timothy shot me glare. I could tell he didn't want them returning back to work
only to get injured again.

As the patients thinned out, I took notice of Timothy's eyes. They were dark and deep set with purple bruising under them. He was thirsty. All the healing had made him weak and he needed blood.

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