Chapter 11 - Invitations

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Chapter 11



(Word Definitions: 

Oracle - A person born from two different magical beings

Preed - A pure blooded magical being

Singularian - A person born with magic from non-magical parents. 

Meta-wolf - my version of those who shift into wolves


The next day, all I could think about was Michael and the Royal Council. I was sure some of the teachers will mention my lack of attention in class to my mother. After I finished my homework, I decided to take a run on the track. I asked Atrina and Audrey if they wanted to join me, but they said they would rather go for another swim. They asked me to join them, but I declined. I then asked Atrina if she had heard from Michael and she said no. As I came down the stairs, I heard noises from the Grand Ball room. I found my Mother directing some students as they rearranged the room. Several rows of elegant chairs were brought in and a very elegant and old looking chair was in front of the entire room on the dais, where the band had played. It reminded me of a Kings court or something like it.

"What's this?" I asked loudly enough that my mother could hear me from the other side of the room.

She looked to me then back to the boys helping her. She told them something before walking over to me. "Savina, this will be where you are introduced to the Royal Council," she answered, nervous, but my stomach was also doing flip-flops from the news.

I held my breath for several seconds, then let it out in a rush, "Why?"

"They're Royalty. They do things differently." She looked regretful.

"Fine," I huffed, slightly winded before turning around and sprinting out the back doors towards the pool.

My Mother called after me, but I paid no attention. The run let me think and sort things out. Parent's day was in two days and I was still on the hated end of Lilith's stares. I hadn't heard or seen Michael all day. I was becoming worried, but I didn't voice my concerns or my wishes. I didn't want to bother him. And now, I was supposed to be introduced to every form of Royalty here in the magical Realm. How weird does that sound? Ugh... 

I ran, pushed myself harder and faster, even after my calves began to burn. Once I got to my room after my run, I found a note on my door. I took it inside my room before opening it. It was from Lilith. What did she want now? It looked like an invitation, but why was she inviting me anywhere? I really didn't trust this girl at all. The invitation was for a tea party Thursday, after supper. Some kind of traditional thing she did every year, it said. I still didn't like it and was very suspicious of her. I decided to go to her little gathering, but knew I would be on my guard.

That night, I studied my family's book hard to learn some defensive and offensive spells. I wanted to prepare myself in case Lilith tried to embarrass me. I wasn't going to let her get away with anything. The only problem, though, was that I didn't know how many spells she knew, which concerned me a little. However, one thing I did know was that I was more powerful than she was, even more powerful than she and her friends together, or at least I was supposed to be. Another problem though, was that I didn't know how to control my powers. Problems weren't in short supply.

That night, I fell asleep in the attic on top of the book again. Another strange dream disturbed me. I was in the forest again, probably in the same place as the last dream with the dying wisps, but this time, there were Angels. Their wings were outstretched and a glowing aura surrounded their bodies. There were four of them and I didn't recognize any of their faces. They were chatting with each other and I tried to speak to them, but just like last time, I had no voice.

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