Chapter 14 - Halloween

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Chapter 14


September passed, October was rushing on and Halloween approached quickly. The leaves on the trees had turned to all my favorite colors: burgundy, dark orange, deep red, yellow, and brown. Cooler weather had already made its appearance and all the hibernating and migrating animals had already made their exodus for the winter. All the students were excited because the school always threw an elaborate party and dance.

I was more familiar now with my powers and sure of myself. I practiced each day after school at the lake and learned a lot of new things about myself. I could now perform the orb dance, as Atrina likes to call it, and I can place a shield around myself and a few others at the same time. I now had visions on demand, and could make things I wanted to appear in my hands. I permanently blocked the Excrucio from my mind, preventing him from interfering with my visions and from locking me in them like he did a month before. Only I could end the Excrucio and I would; I was finally sure of it.

Atrina and Aeddan were often on alert and sometimes gone for hours. Michael was busy leading missions, trying everything he could on his end to find out who this dark figure was. He also had to protect his fellow Angels because the Excrucio was hunting as many as they could for power.

A week before Halloween, my mom took two vans full of students to the city to shop for the Halloween costume ball. I followed in my mom's Infinity with Audrey, Atrina, Alexia, Aeddan, and Marcus. We all spent the night in a hotel, so we could have plenty of time for shopping the following day. All of us girls shared a suite while the boys shared another.

We went out to eat at a high-end restaurant and had a blast. Marcus thought it was funny to throw pieces of his salad at us when no one was looking. He threw a cherry tomato and it landed in my mom's tea, splashing everyone at her table. I couldn't help but laugh at that one. My mom gave him the evil eye and we all busted out laughing again. We walked the main street, windowshopping, while Marcus continued to be a total goof ball. I wished Michael could have joined us, but I knew I would see him soon enough. Each of us girls picked out spectacular costume gowns and the guys did a very good job picking out their costume tuxes. After we picked up a few more decorations at the party store, we were ready to head home. Once home and rested from the trip, my little group and I began decorating the Grand Hall. I was really enjoying myself and having so much fun. 

"How are the decorations coming along for the dance?" Mom asked me.

"Almost finished," I replied over my shoulder as I finished hanging the lights.

The dance was days away and there was a lot to do. Not only was there going to be the usual Halloween Ball, but the big Show and Tell was the same night. Everyone was excited and almost all the students had signed up to perform. I was really looking forward to that night. It would be the first night Michael could actually stay more than five minutes in over three weeks. He, too, was looking forward to the dance.

The Grand Hall was turning into a beautiful and magical place, even prettier than Lilith's tea party. There were thousands of twinkling black and orange lights everywhere and black and white candles that decorated a few round tables along each of the walls in the Grand Hall.

We weren't going to have a band for the dance this time. Instead, Richard and a few of his friends volunteered to DJ, which was great because we wanted to dance to our favorite kinds of music for a change. The boys set up the DJ's table with four large speakers and six smaller ones.

That hall was going to be loud Halloween night and it would be awesome! Everyone put bids for the music, bringing all their favorite CDs. The Show and Tell party was being held at the football field, that way we would have plenty of room for everyone and we wouldn't burn down the house.

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