Chapter 23 - Battle Plans

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Chapter 23

 Battle Plans 

Students began to arrive back at the Estate on the following Saturday, and classes resumed bright and early Monday morning. Some of the girls found Travis's sharp handsome characteristics to be distracting. I could see what all the fuss was about, I had to admit. Travis's European features made him attractive in his own way: sandy blonde hair and big dark chestnut brown eyes with full accentuating brows. His accent was appealing, as well, and the confidence he exuded may have been a little too much but for him, it suited him perfectly. 

The girls would giggle and whisper as Travis walked by them. I sometimes walked with him to class since he shared some of the same classes. I sighed. The girls' infatuation was becoming annoying fast and I actually didn't like that. Travis noticed the sudden change in my disposition and smiled.

"I think the girls are falling head over heels for you," I teased with hidden resentment.

"I wonder if they'll be the only ones," he commented, then sighed and glanced away from me to glare at the floor.

I found that to be an odd remark with his expression somewhat twisted. I didn't understand what he meant by it ... or at least I didn't want to. He wanted more girls to like him? Was he arrogant? It didn't seem that way. I tried to focus on classes throughout the day, but something kept nagging at me in the back of mind about Travis. All through class, I found myself staring at him and had to snap my focus back to the teacher.

When dinner came around, I had Aeddan run a roll call quietly. I wanted to make sure all the students were there so I could make an announcement. I slowly stood up and Marcus called for everyone's attention. I was nervous and Michael saw it in my face, so he held my hand.

From the corner of my vision, I saw Travis look at our combined hands and a strange expression flashed across his features. My heart skipped a beat which only confused me more, but I momentarily pushed it all away so I could focus on what I was about to do.

"I am sorry to disturb your evening, but I have an announcement. I would like to have a meeting with everyone older than fourteen. This is extremely important. So, if you would please stay seated when you have finished your meal? I would greatly appreciate it. The rest of you will join Marcus and Aeddan in the Theatre to watch a new movie that I think you will enjoy! Thank you for your attention."

I sat back down and tried to finish my plate, but I was too nervous. I began to tap my foot and fidget in my chair from all the questioning stares I was receiving. My mother nodded proudly at me. She and I had already discussed things within our family.

You were great, love, and you'll do just fine. I'm here with you, Michael whispered.

I sighed and smiled at him. Thank you, Michael, I squeezed his hand. I love you! 

For some reason, those three words caught in my head like a flat tire. A very odd feeling ...

I know! He smiled and his eyes began to glow.

I noticed Travis staring at us with a stunned expression. I guess he'd never seen an Angel's eyes glow before. Michael suddenly twitched in his seat and I looked to him to see what the matter was. He was starring directly back at Travis with the same shocked expression.

Michael? What's wrong? I asked him loudly in my mind.

Travis. He wants speak to us, Michael stuttered. 

I looked back to Travis. Travis?

Let's go talk outside for a moment, Michael said.

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