Chapter 18 - Concealed Traitors

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Chapter 18: Concealed Traitors

That next morning as Michael and I entered the dining hall for breakfast, everyone applauded, welcoming us home ... all except Lilith, of course. Ellen and Rupert were so thrilled to see me happy again. Aeddan looked a little happier, as well.

"So, are you two ready to go ice skating?" Marcus asked, clearly excited.

"Skating?" I was interested.

"Yeah, Katherine calmed the waters and Brandy froze the lake for the winter! We're going out later to skate. Please come, Savina! You can help me make fun of Marcus!" Audrey begged, laughing.

I looked up at Michael. Would you like to go skating, Michael?

If you want to, Savina. I've never ice skated before, though, Michael admitted. I giggled at his omission.

"Sure, Audrey. That would be fun, actually," I admitted.

As we ate breakfast, I couldn't help but notice Lilith's constant scowl in my direction. She seemed to be in a foul mood—worse than usual. After we finished breakfast, we followed Marcus and Audrey to the lake. It was so beautiful! Snow and ice weighed down the tree limbs, while the frozen lake glimmered in the sunlight.

Michael fell on his butt right away and Marcus soon followed him. Audrey and I laughed so hard we both fell down, too. The boys laughed harder than we did. By now, half the students and teachers were skating. It was very nice and very cold. As long as the wind didn't blow too hard, it was wonderful. 

"Are you okay, Savina?" Michael asked me, helping me up. He had the cutest smirk on his face that made me amused, as well.

"Yes, it didn't hurt too badly," I lied. Actually, my butt was painfully frozen.

I took his hand and we glided across the ice together. While holding his hand, I looked into his eyes and led us into a spin. The glistening ice from the bright sun overhead, tiny falling snowflakes and the warmth between our bodies made it feel magical.

You are so beautiful, Savina, Michael whispered in my head.

My cheeks instantly turned pink, as I put my arms around his waist and held myself to him. I was happy and I was finally home.

"So, Savina, what are you going to get your mother for Christmas?" Audrey asked when I sat down to take my skates off.

"Oh, my goodness! I forgot about Christmas. How long do I have?" I turned to look at her as panic built up within my chest.

"One week," Audrey told me.

"No way! One week? Great.... I need to make a trip into town," I said, shaking my head. "I've been so busy that time really flew by."

"It's okay. You've been very busy," Audrey said, trying to calm me.

"Thanks for reminding me, Audrey. We're going to have to plan a trip," I replied, already planning it mentally.

"Sounds good," Audrey said, perky, "Marcus and the boys are going out tonight looking for a Christmas tree while us girls are supposed to break out the decorations and begin decorating the house."

"Oh, I'm just not up for that. I'm still pretty tired from the shields and stuff that I don't think I have it in me," I groaned.

"It's okay. I think Lilith would love to take over again anyway," Audrey suggested.

I looked at Audrey, "Why don't you take over, Audrey?"

"I'm not that kind of girl. I like to just hang out and help when asked. And I'm really not the girl to help Lilith," Audrey said, laughing as I joined in.

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