Chapter 20 - Inevitable

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Chapter 20: Inevitable 

We discussed which store we should go to first and the Mall was suggested. We all agreed, so I sensed an area that was empty to phase us to. It was one of the mall's loading docks. Once we phased, we walked out of that area quickly and into the Mall. Atrina looked so happy and that pleased me! She asked me many questions on what was a proper gift for each person she was shopping for. Audrey helped me with suggestions for her, which I was very thankful for.

I decided to get the students, teachers, and staff at school at least one gift, but everyone that I was close to more. I had to use the bathroom stalls a lot to phase the gifts home and to get a list of everyone from my mom's office.

When it came to Michael and what to get him, I was stumped. What do you get an angel? I wanted his gift to be special and unique. Atrina went with Audrey to shop for me, so I had to call

Atrina, now I'm the one that's stumped. I need your help, I whined playfully.

Where are you? Atrina asked me.

I'm on the first floor by the deli bathrooms.

Okay, we're on our way. We need to make a delivery, anyway, Atrina announced.

We went to the restrooms and made sure we were alone before phasing back to my room.

The girls ran their bags to their rooms and we phased back to the empty restroom. I was relieved that there wasn't a line waiting to use the facilities.

"Okay. What should I get Michael?" I asked her, once we exited the restroom.

The girls looked at me while they thought about it.

"Maybe you should just look around for now and when you figure out what you want and where you want to buy it from, then we can always go back," Audrey suggested.

"Yes, that sounds like a good idea. The Mall is about to close and we have more shopping to do tomorrow, anyway," Atrina said.

"True, more places to go, too!" I added, looking around. "Okay, we have enough time for one more shop before the Mall closes, so let's go."

We all finished up and walked back out to the loading docks before phasing. Alexia had so many bags in her arms that she was stumbling on the way. A few of us couldn't help but giggle at her. I phased us home and, after putting up our things, we grabbed a bite to eat from the kitchen
before heading to bed. We had fun chatting and laughing away, and we constantly had to shush each other so we wouldn't wake anyone up.

The girls woke me early by jumping up and down on my bed. They were excited and wanted to start our shopping mania early. After breakfast, I gave my mom a hug and kiss before the girls dragged me away. My mom smiled while my captors laughed, pulling me playfully out of the room before I could even have time to get a sense of where Michael was.

It took me a little while to find a secluded, empty alley as our phasing destination. One of Alexia's friends, Katherine Sutton, joined us on our shopping trip, but I didn't mind. Alexia was always quiet around Audrey, Atrina and me. I thought it was because she didn't know us and was shy. I think I was right, because she was talkative and hyperactive now, all smiles and giggles. I was glad she was enjoying herself.

We shopped all day, hopping from store to store. My feet were beginning to feel like they had blisters forming. I wanted to call it a night and head home, but the girls spotted another store they just had to go to. Moreover, I hadn't found the perfect gift for Michael yet.

The last shop we were at was a retro antique shop. It had a very imaginative collection from lamps to jewelery.

After browsing a few aisles, I came to an interesting collection of beautifully handcrafted glass jewelry boxes with an array of colors. I picked one with shades of pink and purple with a crystalline shine—the perfect gift for my mom.

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