Chapter 21 Christmas

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Chapter 21


Thankfully, Lilith was alone which was a rare thing for her. The scowl on her face told me this would not be a nice time to chat with her, but she looked determined enough.

"Good evening, Savina," her tone was nasty and rude.

"Lilith?" I said, confused. I didn't know why she was in such a foul mood, but then again, she always seemed to be. "What's wrong?"

"You are, your highness," she sneered, narrowing her eyes at me while squinting up her nose into a snarl. The 's' at the end of highness was dragged out into a wicked hiss.

"What is the matter with you? Why do you hate me so much?" I asked her bluntly, tired of her games.

"You don't deserve Michael and you sure as hell don't deserve the crown," she hissed through gritted teeth.

"Look, I don't mean to make you hate me so much, but Michael loves me," I said defensively. Uh oh, I thought to myself when Lilith's eyes squinted in pure hate.

"You forced him somehow," she accused me. Her voice was rising in anger. "You are pathetic to think that he will ever be happy with you."

"Lilith, why are you being so ugly about this?" I asked. I knew she was just jealous, but this seemed over the top anger and hatred. I heard the stories of her attempts to get Michael's attention, but he never once acknowledged them.

She gave a throaty and taunting laugh as she swished her hair behind her shoulder. "And only a Preed should be Queen, not some Halfling," she growled and stormed off without another word.

I looked after her in shock. The things she said and accused me of were mean. In that moment, I couldn't think. All I wanted to do was to get to my room without anyone else seeing me, so I phased ... what I should have done in the first place.

I slowly walked to my bed in a daze. Lilith's tone was saturated with such hate that I couldn't get it out of my mind. Suddenly, my bedroom door flew open just as I was sitting on my bed. I screamed and jumped back up.

Michael ran to me and threw his arms around me. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you."

My heart was pounding in my throat.

"I heard everything Lilith said," he said, his tone angry.

I had forgotten about the tear stone and Lilith hadn't a clue. I was sort of glad he'd heard her accusations, but then again, I was somewhat embarrassed that he did. "It's okay. She's just jealous," I said, trying to downplay the situation.

"No it isn't, Savina. She has no right." He turned and paced toward my bedroom window, and continued, "As if I could ever give her even the slightest amount of acknowledgment. She had no right." He turned back around to face me.

I was still so stunned by the confrontation with Lilith that I couldn't accurately process Michael's anger. I sat down on my bed.

I'll tell your mother, Michael spoke in my head, walking toward the door.

"No Michael! Let's not make this any worse than it is. It's not that bad, really. She's just being childish," I said as traitorous tears sprang to my eyes.

He turned and walked back to me and wrapped his arms around me again, warming me and helping me to relax. I savored his aroma in that moment. He smelled earthy and I could tell that he had recently been in the forest somewhere. Without another word we lied down on the bed and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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