Chapter Four - Unnecessary Guilt

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Chapter Four

Unnecessary Guilt

The next morning, the sun streamed brightly through the windows, warming my bedroom. It felt nice to have the sun's heat on my cheeks. Marcus wasn't kidding when he said it was cool at night. I thought I would never stop shivering.

I put on a blue cardigan sweater and my favorite jeans with blue rhinestones on the pockets and went downstairs. Everyone was already at the kitchen table enjoying their breakfast which Marcus' grandmother fixed. She made cooked eggs of all styles, biscuits, bacon, ham, two different types of gravy, and different types of hash browns. I could just imagine what the American Heart Association would say about this breakfast.

"Have a seat, dear. What would you like for breakfast?" Ellen, Marcus' grandmother, asked, wearing her cute yellow and red apron. She got up and headed to the counter.

"Um ... I'll just eat a granola bar if you have one."

"You need to eat some real food, dear," she said smiling at me with an air of grandmotherly command.

I didn't know how to tell her nicely that I would like to keep my intestinal tract intact. "Really, I'm not very hungry. I ate a large slice of your delicious lasagna last night before going to bed." That was a good excuse and totally true. At least I wasn't lying. "I can just grab a biscuit." I went to the counter next to Ellen, got a napkin and picked up a large warm, buttery biscuit.

Before I could escape around the counter to make my exodus from the kitchen, Ellen threw her arms open wide and pulled me into a hug.

"Well, I'm just so happy to have you and your mother home again at last," she revealed, hugging and shaking me from side to side.

Once released from her hug, I looked up at her and smiled. "Thank You. I'm already enjoying having a bigger family," I threw that one in there for more than one person's sake.

Everyone was smiling back at me, especially my mother who seemed very delighted with me. I nodded and headed out. It wasn't until I was in the hall heading away from them that I realized the truth in my words; I really felt home being around them.

I went to the backyard where last night Marcus proved to me that the world of magic existed. I sat closer to the back doors and the iron chair was still cool from hiding under the shade of the house. I was happy I wore my cardigan sweater. I slowly nibbled at my biscuit while thinking about things and wondering what I should do today. After a few minutes, I was barely halfway through with my biscuit when Marcus came out and sat across from me.

"Good morning, Marcus," I welcomed him.

"Morning, Savina," he smiled. "Have a good night's rest?"

"Yeah, if you don't count all the weird dreams that chased me around last night," I laughed nervously.

"There's nothing like seeing someone turn into a wolf to give you a month's supply of nightmares in one night," he commented ruefully. 

"No, actually I didn't dream about you or wolves, just other things," I said trying to reassure him that he was not the reason for my bad dreams.

"It's okay. I was just wondering how you were doing." He took a seat next to me.

"Oh, I'm good. Still in a shock, I think, but good," I snickered.

"Yeah," he agreed, smiling. We sat in silence for a while as I continued to nibble on my biscuit until it was finished.

"Marcus, can I ask you something?" I asked meekly.

"Sure," he shrugged his shoulders.  

"Do you hate me?" I asked, staring down at the table.

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