{Chapter 9 part 1*HALLOWEEN SPECIAL*} I Am Not Just Your Little Puppet

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Tonight was Halloween. It had been about a week since the preliminary rounds. You had beaten Ino and put her in the hospital for the past week, though she deserved it.

“Shizuri! How about this one??” Adira yelled poking her head around the corner with a pumpkin costume in her hand. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. There was a costume party/dance going on at the Hyuuga mansion for everybody that was in the chuunin exams that could make it. Also the proctors, senseis, and any jounin or chuunin that helped out with the exams were invited as well. You and Adira were out costume shopping and couldn’t seem to find any costumes that suited you two. You looked around bored until your eyes locked on two costumes.

“Adira over here!” You jumped excitedly over to the rack where two costumes were hiding in the back. You pulled them out and gawked at them. One was a simple black tight fitted dress that criss crossed at the front into a halter at the back. It went down to about just above the knees where it flowed out. The other was a white kimono with thin red leaf and flower designs on it. It went straight across the shoulders and was tight fitted down a quarter of your legs. It also came with a red sash that tied into a big bow around your waist and a beautiful white mask with the same red designs coming from the left side and had red trim. The mask covered the top half of your face and fit perfectly over your nose. You thought for a while then ran to the other side of the store and grabbed some stuff and bought everything.

“Wha- Shizuri!! What the hell! You didn’t even get my opinion!!” Adira shouted as she chased you out the store and towards your home.

“Shizuri! Wait up!” Adira just kept yelling as you ran and bumped into Naruto who happened to be walking with Shikamaru and Chouji.

“Oh hey guys. What’s up?” You smiled as you held the bag in front of you and Adira stopped beside you panting.

“Nothing really. Just walking to get some barbeque. You want to come?” Shikamaru asked lazily.

“No thanks. Adira and I have to go get ready for the party tonight. Are you guys coming?” You blinked as Adira just gave you a look.

“Of course!” Naruto shouted and smiled as Shikamaru and Chouji nodded.

“So is that your costume in the bag? What are you going to be?” Chouji tilted his head and moved his face closer to the bag. You pulled it away and hid it behind your back.

“It’s a surprise.” You winked while sticking your tongue out, causing Chouji to blush a bit and Shikamaru and Naruto to smirk.

“Kay well see you guys later!” You yelled while dragging Adira down the street.

“Slow down Shizuri!!” Adira yelled as you just sped away. You still had to get ready and eat supper. You didn’t have any time for chit chat.


“C’mon let me see how it looks!” You yelled as Adira sighed and walked out from behind the curtain hung in your room. Your eyes widened and you hugged her. “YOU LOOK SO CUTE!!!” You squealed as Adira sweat dropped. Along with the black dress you had grabbed a pair of fox ears and a fox tail. She was wearing a pair of orange flats that matched the colour of the ears and tail.

“I don’t understand why I’m dressing up when I’m not even going to the party.” She muttered and looked at herself in the mirror.

“Well you have to be dressed up to hand out candy of course.” You took your turn and went to get dressed. After you were done you came out in the kimono and mask, but also with a pair of white cat ears on your head, white high heels on your feet and a red choker with a bell on it around your neck. Added onto that you had let your hair down, which you would not normally do. Adira stared at you for a while after you came out from behind the curtain. You smiled and you did each other’s make up. After you were done you both walked out of the room and saw Takeshi sitting on the couch. He turned his head and saw Adira first. Immediately he tackled her in a hug.

I Am Not Just Your Little Puppet {A Kankuro Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now