{Chapter 5} I Am Not Just Your Little Puppet

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“Shizuri come help me open the bathroom door! Takashi wont come out and is taking WAY too long!!” Adira screamed from the hall. You raised your head slightly from your pillow and looked in the direction of Adira’s voice. Your head fell back down so your face was buried in the pillow.

“C’mon Shizuri! Get up!” Adira’s voice was closer now. She ripped your blankets off of you. You had been listening to Adira’s wretched screaming at your older brother for the past ten minutes.

“Smph moph miffmiff...” You mumbled into the pillow.

“Wha?!” Adira put her hand behind her ear and pushed her face closer to yours.

“I said 5 more minutes!” You mumbled a bit louder for Adira. She rolled her eyes and growled.

“No way!” She clenched her fists at her sides and stomped out of the room. Just then Takeshi came out of the bathroom just in his boxers and a towel draped over his head. “WHAT THE HELL!! YOU DO KNOW THAT THERE ARE TWO FEMALES IN THIS HOUSE THAT NEED TO GET READY TOO!!!” You walked out of your room rubbing your eyes to see Adira strangling Takeshi. You paused then continued at your slow morning pace into the bathroom and locked the door. Adira stopped strangling Takeshi and stared at the bathroom door in shock. “She did not...” He face went dark and she dropped Takeshi on the floor. “Open the door!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!” She scremed and pounded frantically at the door. You smirked while you brushed your teeth and turned the water in the bath on to head up for a shower. You took a quick showerand wrapped yourself in a towel once you were done. You brushed your hair out then opened the door to find a red hot steaming Adira glaring at you with all her force. She raised her hand and opened her mouth to say something but got cut short by you flicking her in the nose. Her face turned back to normal with confusion written all over it. You put your hands on your hips and looked at her sternly.

“Calm down Adira. It’s not like we’re gonna be late or anything.” You stated and walked past her while pushing at the side of her head playfully. Adira watched you walk into your room then shrugged and walked into the bathroom calmly. Takeshi still sat there on the floor in bewilderment.

“What just happened..?” His eyes were wide as he collected himself off the floor and went to get changed in his room.

Its been about a week since Takeshi moved in with you guys. Because Gaara and Adira hit it of so well and Takeshi is so obsessed over Temari, you all had been hanging out after training for the whole week. And since they were already kind of in pairs they often split off together, leaving you and Kankuro to hang out. Alone. At first it was annoying, but soon enough you both started to be able to actually stand each other. The doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it!” You yelled and ran to the door. You figured it would be the sand siblings coming to get you guys. Today was the first trial of the chunin exams and you were all at least a bit nervous. Hence Adira’s freak out. You opened the door ready to smile at the siblings or even Naruto but just stared blankly at who actually stood at your door. You smiled only slightly.

“Uh... Hi Sasuke... What are you doing here?” You asked in a confused tone then stepped outside, closing the door behind you. He raised and eyebrow at your gesture. “Uh...” You laughed nervously. “My brother still doesn’t like you.. heh..” You then looked at Sasuke while he started to talk.

‘The reason I’m here is because I wanted to ask you if you’d like to walk with me to the chunin exams...” He scratched the back of his neck. You smiled and nodded. You opened the door cautiouslyand yelled quickly.

“I’m going to walk to the exams with Sasuke see you later!!!” You yelled and slammed the door fast. All you heard was a huge ‘THUMP’ against the door and continuous banging on it. You grabbed Sasuke’s wrist and sped down the street while you heard Adira start to screm at Takeshi’s freaking out.

I Am Not Just Your Little Puppet {A Kankuro Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now