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Archer hated that he was having this important press conference by himself, but he knew they couldn't wait much longer. Daisy and Winnie were not going to be concealed much longer. He didn't want them to be. He couldn't wait to share the happy news with the world. They were keeping the gender to themselves. They were going to make sure that everything that was bought for their nursery would be bought under someone else's name.

Archer was sitting next to a news anchor. She said, "Your highness, thank you for talking to us today."

Archer told her, "It is my pleasure. I'm sorry that my wife was unable to join us. I just have a month a half longer before she is here with me and we can truly start our lives together as a normal married couple, well as normal as we can get."

"That is wonderful. How is your wife? With her being in America we never get caught up on her."

Archer smiled and said, "My wife is doing very well. She has a month and a half of student teaching left before she will be coming home to finish the rest of her classes online. Also, she is a trooper. You see my beautiful wife is doing everything she can to get all of the loose ends tied up before she moves to England."

"It sounds like she has a lot on her plate."

"She does, but she is so great at what she does. I couldn't be luckier to have her as my wife. We have some big things coming."

"Will you be taking over the throne when she comes to England?"

"We will, but that is not the biggest thing we have going for us right now. Fallon and I found out that we are pregnant with identical twins."

"You are? Congratulations! That is wonderful news."

"Thank you."

"Are you going to be finding out the genders?"

"We have, but we will be announcing to everyone other than our families once the babies are born. Right now we are soaking up this exciting time as much as we can. It's overwhelming, but so exciting."

"That is wonderful. We are so happy for you and we can't wait to meet the newest heirs to the throne. Congratulations again."

"Thank you. Thank you for having me." Archer then left. He was glad that the news was out, but he was going to miss sharing this with just their close family and friends.

Fallon called Archer later that evening. Archer answered, "Hello beautiful. How are my girls?"

Fallon smiled, "We are good. We miss you."

"Just six more weeks. I've got a count down started."

"So do I. By the time I get to England the babies should be kicking. I've started to feel fluttering a little bit."

"You have?"

"Yes. Arch, it's amazing. Our girls are growing in here. It's mind blowing. Your interview was great."

"I just hate that we don't have this between us and our family any more. They are going to be on baby watch now."

"As long as I have you, I don't care. You are the one that has been telling me we are in this together."

"I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

"I want you to start looking up nurseries. Send what you want to me. I'll have the nursery done by the time you get to England. Then all you will have to do is go clothes and accessory shopping."

"No. I want us to work on the nursery together. I know it is not normally on the king's resume to work on nurseries, but it would mean so much to me for the two of us to do this together."

"We will do things however you want . I know I won't be able to be as hands on as I would like, but I still want to be hands on. I want to do nurseries. I want to read bed time stories. I want to take our girls to the park. I want to be a dad they are proud to have."

"It's going to be a learning curve for the both of us. All I have to say I do not want our children being raised by a nanny."

"The only time a nanny will be called will be when all of us have to be present. Other than that either you, I, my mom, Henry or Linley will be watching Winnie and Daisy."

"I like the sound of that."

"Good. I'm glad we are on the same page."

"I love you so much. I miss you more than you will ever know."

"I miss you, too. I love you. We are going to be together soon. It's just not soon enough. I want to be in your arms more than anything right now."

"Soon. Very soon."

Fallon yawned.

Before Fallon could say anything else, Archer said, "You need to get some rest. I will talk to you soon. Let me know if you need anything. I'll make sure I get it to you as soon as I can."

"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. I have everything I need other than you, right here. That will change soon enough. I am going to get off here and go to sleep. I love you."

"I love you." The two of them said their final good nights and Fallon went to sleep.

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