Chapter Thirteen: Lina

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Chapter Thirteen: Lina

"Lina. I have to go now. The boss just called me to do another mission," Luca explained, after looking up at his phone.

"Um, okay then." I looked at the time realizing that we had just spent about almost an hour talking and mostly arguing over who win between Spiderman vs Hulk.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then," he said giving me his trademark mischevious grin once we managed to sneak out of the boys' quarters.

"Yeah. I guess so."

Now that he had gone, probably on another illicit task, what was I suppose to do? Socialize with other random girls that I barely knew about at nine 'o' clock in the evening?

Hell no!

It just wasn't my ideal thought at this time. Come to think of it, quite a lot of the girls decided to call it a day. Now you may wonder: why the hell are grown-ass women doing by all going to bed at early times?

The reason was simple. Giorgio Castillo was a man who liked, no loved money and we were part of his way to making profit. Since our jobs depended 99.9999% on the quality of our bodies, early sleep was expected of us since I doubt any paying customer would pay to see a yawning tired looking, panda-eyed, scruffy raga-muffin of a chica to prostitute with.

Everyone went to sleep early and woke up early: a simple routine. You'd never know when you could be requested these days so I had unfortunately learned the hard way. Basically having a cold bucket of ice dumped on my head at bloody five in the morning as tradition for my first booking, then expected to do makeup to perfection for two hours before breakfast.

Yeah, the absolute dream morning. Not.

I went to bed straight after Luca's leave, preparing for tomorrow. Next day, I woke up to see the familiar note that I pretty much dreaded while being here.

Alina Ramírez-

Assignment: To sleep with assigned client

Duration: 1 night

Client: Peter Hale

Great! It was just the job that I pretty much hated, it wasn't like the other assignments that you could get which were: 'exotic dancing'; stripping; entertainment of the client's choice or giving brains. Gross. Either way, all of options to me were really limited. They all seemed just as nastay.

One of the few good things I could pick out from this morning was the fact that Amethyst, although a bitchy, loudmouth at times, had a real talent for doing makeup.

By the time she was finished, my usually straight hair was curly and my eyes framed by long eyelashes that were definitely not natural and made my eyes look bigger with help from the eyeliner.

I had a quick breakfast before two guards grabbed hold of me and were taking me outside. Yet again, couldn't see anything which was protocol.

I saw nothing throughout the journey only accompanied by the sound of the two men talking in front. By the time we got there was a grand white mansion; gold gates in front with the initials (PH) in it. You could kinda tell this guy was loaded.

"I'll lead you to the room where he's waiting. Big Daddy will be pleased with you, you're so pretty," explained a curly-haired blonde girl with azure eyes. She took my arm before I could reply.

I didn't know what was funnier.

The fact that she looked like a slut wearing a short maid's dress or the scary fact that she just called him 'Big Daddy'.

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