Chapter Ten: Luca

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This chapter's dedicated to isaintilus because she is the bomb and her comments either leave me crying on the floor because I'm creasing so hard or just really touched so this one's for her!

Chapter Ten: Luca

It was already two weeks since my last mission with Lina and so far I'd been pretty busy. Either the boss had actually realized what he was doing and assigning me on missions that involved her was a 'major coincidence' or he did it on purpose then thought that I needed to interact on a different level. I don't know.

"Boys," he said getting up and standing before us as in Dean, Raj and another man I didn't know. "I'm assigning you to a new task. It's a hostage mission."

My throat took a little gulp as I heard the words 'hostage mission'. The last time we kidnapped someone was Lina and it already left mental scars on me just knowing the wrong I was doing. Now to kidnap a little girl because she was born into the wrong family? That was sick.

"..You will be lead this mission, Kyle and it will be a success. You hear me!"

"Yes sir," Kyle saluted almost too comical to be serious.

"A lot of money is at stake. Pierre Barlow is a rich Englishman that owes me and since the rich bitch is too 'prestige' to pay me back, you all will kidnap his daughter for me this afternoon. The details of the hotel he and his family are staying in are on the file so follow it," he sat back in his chair to dismiss us, "that is all."

* * * *

This is why we were now wearing suits that were either of the uniforms staff here wore or anything that would let us fit in as pocket-stashed-with-money kind of men. Kyle easily booked us a room on the same floor as Pierre, making it easier.

Pierre and his wife, Claire would be leaving to go out around six in the evening so we could set up for the plan at eight. They would leave their daughter, Paris with a nurse and we would attack then. Trickling trails of sticky sweat poured down my neck as it neared the time.

"Pierre and the wife have left the building. I repeat they have left the building," came Raj's voice from the walkie-talkie. He was disguised as a doorman, acting as our eyes outside the hotel room Kyle, a guy named Jordan and myself were stationed in.

Dean burst into the room jingling something in his hands and grinning from ear to ear. "I got the keys to his room!"

For the first time in a while, Kyle got up, giving a mischevious grin at Dean. "Good job, I knew it was good that you were the one to do this."

"How?" I asked.

"Simple. He's little Dean! With them small hands its no wonder he's got pickpocketing skills," Jordan answered me.

Kyle got his disguise on before saying, "Let's go."

I knocked on the door nervously when someone opened the door. It was the babysitter. "Room service," I said.

"But we didn't call for room service," she said looking up at me. She was very petite and didn't look much older than I did.

"Yeah but Mr. Barlow had called for my assistance in the food and clearing any mess in the hotel rooms as VIP here." I stepped forward which gave me the access into the suite despite her protests. "Do you think you could tell me which room he was in?"

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