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August 28th.

It's been an awkward month. I've been planning Jennys bridal shower with Sky, and I've been dragged to help Jenny with a few wedding details. Which I really don't mind, I miss our friendship and I wish she would talk to me.

Tonight is the party seeing as her and Liam get married in two days and we're going clubbing. Unlike my bridal party we'll actually be able to drink now that we're of age.

Jenny has a boa around her neck and a veil on her head and we're all getting her drunk as the music over head makes it impossible to hear each other.

Sky is right by my side, and Kami, Jenna, and a few of Jennys work friends are also here. Jenny doesn't want to dance at first but soon she's drunk enough that she lets us pull her onto the dance floor.

It's the first time in months that I've seen Jenny with a genuine smile on her face. She starts jumping up and down and she screams something loud enough that everyone around us hears, "I'm getting married!"

We all cheer for her and then boys are coming over to dance with us, and I wish that the one holding onto me was Jake but I dance anyways. Jenny has three guys dancing with her and I laugh as one of them grabs her boa and pulls her against him.

Then she does something that makes me freeze, the boy kisses her flat on the mouth and instead of pushing him away she pulls him closer. No one else seems to be paying attention as I race over and push them away from each other. "Let's go to the bathroom Jenny."

The guy grabs her arm though, "Hey, where do you think you're taking her."

"Away from you, can't you see she's getting married?" I go to point to the veil on her head and realize for the first time that it must have fallen off.

"Look babe, it didn't seem to bother her that I was kissing her, so why don't you run along like a good girl and get us a drink."

My mouth falls open, "Excuse me?"

"You're excused." He says grabbing Jenny around the waist and starting to dance with her again. I expect Jenny to pull away but she's so out of it that she just starts dancing again.

I shove the guy in the chest and Jenny tries to yell something over the music that I can't understand, "No you're excused." I yell at him, "And don't call me babe you asshole."

I grab Jennys wrist before he can say anything and drag her to the bathroom, "What are you doing?" I ask her angry.

She groans, "Maggie stop I'm just having fun. I want to go dance."

I growl, "You just cheated on Liam and you don't even care."

Anger sparks in her eyes as she looks at me, "He cheated on me, and neither of you seem to feel bad."

I feel like I've been slapped and I wrap my arms around myself, "Jenny..." I try to think of something to say but I'm at a loss for words.

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