9. Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.

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April the 22nd.

Maggies birthday.

School today had been amazing.

Somehow Liam had managed to spread it all throughout my classes that it was my birthday and in every single one of my classes I got some sort of sweat.

I'm currently on my way home and my whole front seat is covered in chocolate covered food. Lily is in the back munching on a cupcake and doing a good job of covering the backseat in crumbs.

When we get to the house I carry in all of my delicious treats and set them on the counter, "Jake?" I yell.

He walks into the kitchen carrying a giggling Lily as he trys to uncover her mouth from the frosting.

"Happy Birthday Mags." He says walking over and kissing my lips. Lily squirms in his arms.

I smile, "Thanks."

His eyes widen as he takes in all the boxes on the counter, "What's all this?"

I laugh, "Presents from my loving students." I pull out a brownie and hand it to him.

He smiles, "Thanks."

"Alright, so everyone should be here in a hour." I wet a cloth and start to wipe Lilys mouth, "That means we should clean and get ready."

Me, Lily, and Andrew are having a conjoined birthday party.

Lily pouts, "Do I have to clean?"

I pout too, "Yes. Don't you want your friends to see your nice clean room."

She shakes her head, "Mommy my friends don't care if my rooms messy."

I poke her nose, "Well I do. So go clean it." Jake puts her down and she drags her feet heading towards the hall.

I hold in a laugh and as soon as she's gone Jake grabs my waist, "Hey."

I laugh, "You already said hello."

"Not officially." He kisses my lips and this time it's not just a peck. I smile when I pull away.

"We need to get ready."

He pouts, "Do I have to clean?"

I laugh and he grins. "Yes you do."

He groans, "Fine." He pulls himself away from me and drags his feet to the sink. I laugh again and walk over wrapping my arms around his waist as he turns on the water and grabs a sponge.

Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.Where stories live. Discover now