23. Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.

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June 10th.

Once again I thought Jake had completely forgiven me. But all day I've heard one song being played over and over again inside his study.

Maggie May by Rod Stewart.

'Wake up Maggie, I think I've got something to say to you
It's late September and I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused, but I fell I'm being used

Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more
You led me away from home
Just to save you from being alone

You stole my heart and that's what really hurts
The morning sun when it's in your eyes really shows your age
But that don't worry me none, in my eyes you're everything
I laughed at all of your jokes, my love you didn't need to coax

Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more
You led me away from home
Just to save you from being alone

You stole my soul and that's a pain I can do without
All I needed was a friend to lend a guiding hand
But you turned into a lover and mother
What a lover, you wore me out, all you did was wreck my bed
And in the morning kick me in the head

Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more
You led me away from home
'Cause you didn't want to be alone

You stole my heart, I couldn't leave you if I tried
I suppose I could collected my books and go on back to school
Or steal my daddy's cue and make a living at playing pool
Or find myself a rock and roll band, that needs a helping hand

Oh Maggie, I wished I'd never seen your face
You made a first class fool out of me
But I'm as blind as a fool can be

You stole my heart but I love you anyway
I'd never seen your face
I'll get on back home, one of these days'

When I went in and asked him why he kept replaying it he simply mumbled, "Story of my life."

Which made me storm out of the room and I went outside to play with Lily. Mostly because if I hear that song being played for the twentieth time since nine this morning I might strangle him.

Lily is content playing on the swing set as I push her and all I can think about is Liam. I know I said I would stay away from him but I already miss him. Also Lily keeps asking if he's going to come play any time soon.

After his confession I feel it's awful of me not to talk to him. He probably thinks I hate him.

I sigh as I push Lily and she's talking all about her Australian friend in her newly gained accent. One of her new favorite phrases is, 'Blimey.'

She puts it in places that it doesn't even make sense. Like last night she said, 'Blimey mum, I need to take a blimey bath, blimey.'

I don't think she even knows what it means, just likes the way that it sounds.

All of a sudden Jake is at the door, "I made lunch!"

I give him a look, "Did you turn off that song?"

He nods, "Yup."

I follow him and Lily into the house and all during lunch he hums Maggie May. I'm only halfway done when I stand up ubruptly, "I'm going for a walk."

Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.Where stories live. Discover now