5. Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.

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April the 2nd.

I hoist Lily up onto my hip and throw a backpack over my other shoulder, "Ready Freddie?"

"Crazy little thing called love," Jake sings behind me. Lily giggles as Jake scoops her out of my arms. "I gotta be cool relax get hip! Get on my track, Take a back seat, Hitch hike, And take a long long ride on my motor bike, Until I’m ready, Crazy little thing called love" He dances with her as he leaves the house.

"Daddy!" She squeals.

I laugh following them out. Jake buckles her into her booster seat and then pulls out of the car. He grabs me around the waist, "She drives me crazzyy." I laugh again as he kisses me.

"Are you finished Freddie Mercury?"

He shrugs, "Maybe, maybe not."

Jake winks at me before opening the car door for me, "My lady."

I laugh but kiss his cheek, "You're a dork."

He leans in and kisses my cheek in return, "No, I'm a gentlemen."

Lily giggles in the back as I kiss his lips. Jake closes the car door and then finally climbs into the drivers side, "Are we ready to go to the beach!" He asks starting the car.

Lily throws up her arms, "Yay!!! The beach!!"

"Are we ready to have a day full of fun?!" Jake asks raising his voice.

"Yeaah!!" Lily yells.

Jake smiles at me, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" and with that he backs out of the driveway.

"YAY!!" Lily squeals in the back.

I smile over at Jake who winks at me and interlaces his fingers with mine. I lower my window because today it's a surprising 85 degrees outside and perfect beach weather.

It takes us ten minutes to get to the beach and when we get there Lily starts to squirm in her seat trying to unbuckle herself without success. "Alright hold on Lily."

I climb out and as soon as Lily is free from the seat belt she wiggles around me and runs towards the spot where all of our friends have already set up.

I hear her yelling names and I laugh as I help Jake get the stuff from the trunk. We walk over slowly and I see that everyone is already here.

Jeramy crosses his arms when he sees us, "You're late."

Kami laughs from the towel she's tanning on and Jenny runs over to us. "You're late! I've been waiting all week to show you my ring!"

Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.Where stories live. Discover now