16. Dear Jake, it can only get better from here.

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May the 21st.

Jake has been in a coma for over two weeks now. I've been back at work for a week. And for some reason Liam has insisted on staying at my house. I told him that there were other people willing to spend the night with us but he won't budge. He keeps saying that the night that he was away he was constantly worrying about us.

We're starting to get used to the fact that Jake isn't here. It's still hard but it's almost been three weeks now. Add another week and that's a month.

I don't know if I can go a month without Jake.

Liam and Jenny took Lily to the park and Liam told me to go see Jake. I said no at first but he insisted. He's been very stubborn lately.

I've been stubborn too though. I don't want Lily to see Jake. She fights me on it every day but I think it's the right thing to do.

I'm cuddled against Jake reading the book he wrote me. It's still hard to read but I can now get through a few pages before I break into tears.

I've only managed to get through the first chapter and I realize that at the end of every chapter Jake has written me a letter.

I read for a while and then sigh realizing that I really should be with Lily. I don't want her to think I didn't want to see her. I kiss Jakes lips standing up, "I'll come back later." I whisper an inch from his lips. He doesn't hear me of course.


Taking Lily to the park was a good idea. Or at least I thought until Jenny started to complain about having to sit and do nothing the whole day.

I didn't think about it that way- especially because when she said it I was completely out of breathe. I had just chased Lily around for the past ten minutes.

"Jenny you could at least try to have a good time."

"We're in a playground. How am I supposed to have fun?"

I look over at her annoyed, "Maybe you could start by taking the stick out of your ass."

I stand up and run over to Lily, "Liam!" Jenny yells angry but I ignore her.

I take off my shoes and sit next to Lily in the sand box, "What are you building squirt?"

Lily giggles and pours sand onto my toes using a plastic shovel, "A castle!"

I look at the little mound she's made and smile, "It's looking good so far."

She makes her barbie walk on it and starts talking in gibberish.

Lily hands me the boy barbie, "Here Liam you can be Jake."

Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.Where stories live. Discover now