10. Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.

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May 2nd

This morning instead of waking up to my alarm, I wake up to someone nibbling on my shoulder. “Mm.” I sigh annoyed wiggling my arm.

I hear someone laugh and then I feel teeth grazing my shoulder again. I sigh annoyed and open one eye, Jakes blonde hair fills my vision and then it moves until I’m looking into blue.

 He smiles and nips my lip, “Morning.”

 I smile, “Hi.”

I close my eye again enjoying the feel of Jakes lips on my skin. 

“You have to get up.” He mumbles against my side.

  I laugh as his breathe tickles me, “Alright.”

I sit up and my legs hang over the side of the bed. I rub my eyes and then feel Jakes hands wrap around my waist, “I didn’t mean right now.”

 I smile and brush hair behind my shoulder, only to have Jake push it back as he kisses the back of my neck, “So when did you mean?”

 “Mmm, later.” He mumbles.

 He pulls me back onto the bed and I laugh, as he traps me beneath him.

 When Jake finally allows me to get up I barely have any time at all to shower, and get Lily ready. We’re running around as Jake smiles at me smugly and I give him a look. We manage to leave on time though and I run over giving Jake a kiss.

 “I’ll see you later.”

 He smiles, “Bye Mags.”

 I get to school and unlock my door just as the bell rings. I sigh, pushing hair from my face and pull off my sweater. One thing I hate about this school is the crappy air conditioner. By the end of the day I’ll be soaked in sweat.

 I’m writing the notes for my fourth period class on the board when Liam pops his head in, “Hey Maggie.”

 I smile, “Hi.”

 He points behind him, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

 I look at my class, “Yeah. I’ll be right back.” I tell them.

 I step outside and close the door behind me. He sighs, “Please tell me that fighting before getting married is normal.”

 I raise an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

 “Last night Jenny started a fight with me because the cat left hair on her coat.”

 I start to laugh, “What?”

 He shakes his head, “She’s been picking all these fights with me for no reason. I understand that it’s stressful constantly dealing with her mother- who by the way is such a bitch- but she doesn’t need to take the frustration out on me.”

 I shrug, “Me and Jake never fought before getting married. I mean, we still don’t fight. We fought enough as kids and now we just think it’s a waste of time.”

 He sighs, “You are so lucky.”

 I look down the hall, “Aren’t you supposed to be teaching a class?”

 He shakes his head again, “No it’s my free period.”

 I slap my forehead, “I knew that.”

 He smiles, “Sure you did.”

 I sigh, “Well I need to teach my class, so I’ll see you during lunch?”

Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.Where stories live. Discover now