25. Dear Jake, it can only get better from here.

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June the 18th.

To say going into school today is awkward is an understatment. I either get weird looks from everyone, or they have the book- with a bookmark in the first few pages- under their arm.

How the hell am I supposed to face my classes?

It doesn't get broughten up till third period with my Sophomore class.

A boy named Jimmy raises his hand in the middle of my reveiw for finals.

"Is it true your husband wrote a book about you?"

I take a deep breathe, "Yes."

Another boy speaks up, "Is it true it talks about sex?"

My face turns red and I point towards the door, "You two go to the office. If anyone else plains on making a comment then they can leave now."

"You can't send me out for just asking about the book!" Jimmy shouts.

"You were going to mention what Gabe mentioned though." I say angry.

Jimmy smirks, "I was going to put it in different words."

My mouth falls open. Kids have no respect these days. I turn my features into a scowl, "OUT!"

They both stand up and high five each other and one of them winks at me. I stare down the class, "Anyone else want to make a comment?"

No body says anything and completely embarresed I turn back to the board, I don't let my embarrasment show until my back is to the class.

When the bell rings a girl walks up to me, "Will you sign my book?"

I give her a sharp look, "What?"

She shifts, "Will you sign my book? It's about you right?"

I sigh, "Yeah, I'll sign it."

She squeals a little and gives me her pen. I quickly sign my name and as I hand the book back my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Mrs. Mathews would you please come down here?"

I move pencil shavings around on my desk, "Not to be rude, but where exactly is 'here?'"

"The office."

I freeze, "I'll be right down."

"See you soon."

They hang up and I take a deep breathe. Great now I'm going to lose my job. I close my eyes and try to breathe.

Dear Jake, It can only get better from here.Where stories live. Discover now