Lee's Flashback

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Mum told me to stay in my room while she went to see Dad. I can't see him. Not yet. We are playing a very long game of hide and seek and as long as I stay in this room, he can't find me. Or at least that's what Mum tells me. Sometimes I wish that I could see him. But Mum insists that I keep playing hide and seek.

I sigh and walk over to my toy box. I pull some building blocks and start to play with them. First I put down a green one, then a red one, then a blue one and keep going until I have a really tall tower that goes up for as high as I can reach. I step back to admire my hard work, when I see one lonely yellow block sitting in a corner. I go over, pick it up and take it over to the tower. Just as I am about to place it down,the door to the room swings open and slams against the wall. I jump back, knocking over the tower as I do so.

"CHRISTINA! HOW COME YOU'VE KEPT THIS FROM ME ALL THESE YEARS?!" A man shouts. He is wearing a green t-shirt and blue pants. And he looks very, VERY angry. Wait... Is he my Dad? Mum said he was a lot nicer than this.

"Listen to me Steve! I had to keep him from you! You would've done something stupid!" Mum shouts back. I start to back into a corner; this is scary.


"You never even wanted a child anyway!"

"You're right, I didn't. And I still don't now!"

"Then just go back to the way things were, I can raise him myself!"

"Oh that won't be necessary." He says. Panic fills Mum's eyes.

"Please don't!" She pleads. Dad raises his hand.

"Just don't hurt Lee!" She shouts just before Dad waves his hand. I watch on in horror as Mum disappears. I scream louder than I ever have before.

"Oh shut up you little brat. I just sent her outside my realm. She can't get back in." The man says. I'm not going to call him my Dad anymore.

"But I want her back!" I say tearing up.

"Just quit whining." He says. "Follow me." I walk behind him until we reach a door. It is old and rust is decaying its edges. "

"You first." He says while opening the door. I hesitate. Bad decision. He roughly shoves me through the doorway and I tumble down some steps. I shakily get up. I think I'm gonna be bruised. We walk down a hallway and at the end of it is a little bared prison cell. Steve takes a key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. It automatically swings open.

"Get in." He says.

"W-W-What?" I stutter.

"I said get in!" Not wanting to get pushed again, I cautiously walk inside.

"Welcome to your new home."


Ok another chapter because the last one was so short. This should make up for it. And I am so sorry for the feels I have caused you all!

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