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stampylongnose's POV

I am shocked. I've known Squid for years now, and I never knew a thing about his relations to Sky. What happened between those two? And Herobrine kidnapping someone to get to them. This is madness!

I glance over and Sky. He is leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. I feel sorry for him, Squid too. They seem to be enemies, yet they are forced to travel alone, together, to walk straight into the hands of the enemy. Not wanting to think about it anymore, I sigh and walk over to Deadlox.

"Do you know anything?" I ask them, keep my voice low to avoid being overheard by Squid and Sky. They shake their heads.

"No, we don't. Everyone has a right to keep secrets, but this? It's too extreme." He replies.

"I know. But they must've been desperate. After the rumours of Herobrine showing up in the overworld, anyone who provides Notch reliable information of his whereabouts gets 5 diamonds!"

"Yes but Sky has a reputation. If people knew of his relations with Herobrine, he would lose his followers. Those in his kingdom, and his army, would start to rebel."

"I've heard of Sky, but I don't know much about him. Why is it such a big deal. Surely his kingdom is small, right?" I ask.

"No way! Sky has a kingdom of 10 000 000 people. 2 000 000 of those are his army."

"Wow, I only have a kingdom of 3 000 000. I thought mine was big..."

"So now you see why this is an important secret to keep. No one must know about this. Not unless we don't have any other choice."

"Well all we are really doing now is guessing what's going on between them. I'll try talk to Squid, you talk to Sky." I say. Deadlox nods in agreement and walks out into the hall. I turn around expecting to see Squid in his original position, only to be greeted by empty air.

"Squid?" I call out. There is no reply and I start to tense up.

"Squid where are you?" I still hear nothing. I run outside and hope to see him there. But I don't. I'm really worried now, so I walk back inside to try and find Sky and Deadlox. I hear voices coming from the corridor. I head in that direction and see the pair talking amongst themselves. I cautiously walk over. Luckily they ignore me so I am able to overhear a but of their conversation.

"No! I won't do it! You have no idea what he did to me!" Yells Sky.

"What did he do?"

"I won't tell you details. But it was something unforgivable."

"Look Sky, see reason. If you don't go, Bashur will be killed. Us too probably."

"Ok... I'll do it." He replies. I hear Deadlox sigh in relief. "On one condition. What happened between Iballisticsquid, Herobrine and I remains unknown. To everyone. Even you."

"Deal. It's your choice."

Suddenly, Sky turns around to see me staring at them.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asks.

"Nothing that I didn't already know." Sky seems happy enough with that answer and now it's Deadlox's turn to ask something.

"Did Squid tell you anything?"

"That's just it. He's gone."

"What do you mean gone!"

"As in he's gone. I think he's left the nether. I guess that he wanted to avoid the questions."

"Once a coward always a coward." Says Sky.

"How dare you say that!" I reply.

"Well it's true. He is a coward. A liar. And a traitor." It was that last word that set me off.

I pounced on top of him and catch him completely by surprise. Neither of us have our swords at hand, so there won't be any actual fighting, and secretly I am glad. I manage to keep him down for long enough for me to say something to him.

"Never say that again. Not in front of me. Not in front of anyone." I let him go and he rises to his feet.

"You just wait. You'll see I'm right soon enough."

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