Flashback v.2

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Skydoesminecraft's POV

This day couldn't get any worse. Herobrine has found me. Bashur is locked up in some ruined old castle. In a few days I'll be there too. With Squid. That thought gives me the creeps. I can't stand that guy. To think that we used to be friends...


"I don't know. I really don't know." I say. With sit in silence for a while. Neither of us knowing what to say. I wonder what Herobrine is going to do to us. We're just kids after all. I hope he doesn't hurt us. He wouldn't stoop that low surely. Just then, the door opens. It's that pigman guy, Zov.

"This way. Herobrine wants you."

I look at Squid and he looks back in the same confused expression. We have no choice but to follow him, so we end up in what looks like a throne room. With Herobrine himself in the chair.

"You may go now Zov." Says Herobrine, and Zov leaves the room.

"So boys, you may be wondering why you are here. Am I correct?" We both nod.

"It is because I needed two young people to help me with something, and you two seemed to be the perfect candidates."

"Help you with what?" Squid asks with a scowl.

"I need you two help me me get back what is rightfully mine."

"You have no rights! Your a monster!" Squid shouts again. I'm worried for him. Doesn't he know what Herobrine could do to him?

"Maybe I am. But you still should want the power I am going to give you."

"What power?" I ask.

"My power."

"Sorry? I'm confused?" Says Squid.

"You see those vials? One gold and one blue?" I nod my head slowly. I glance over at Squid. He is looking at them, saying nothing.

"Iballisticsquid, you drink the blue one, skydoesminecraft, you drink the gold one." Hold on a second. There's a third vial on the table. It still has some purple liquid sitting in the bottom.

"What's that?" I ask. Herobrine look over to where I am pointing.

"Oh yes... That. It is a... Failed experiment." He replies. It seems suspicious, but I can't risk asking anymore questions.

"Now drink the potions!" He commands.

For the second time, Squid and I exchange glances. To my surprise, he walks straight over and picks the vial off the table. Not wanting to look scared, I copy him.

"On the count if 3." He says.




I lift the potion to my mouth and swallow it down. I am hoping for the worst, but nothing is happening. I feel perfectly normal. It starts to get really hot. It burns. Not like fire. But like fury. I call out. The burn, it's like I've fallen into a pit of lava. I find the strength to look over at Squid. He is, like me, on his knees. But he is not calling out. He's closed his eyes and he's squeezing his fist trying to ignore the pain. I guess he doesn't want to be seen as weak in front of Herobrine. After about 5 minutes of constant burning, the pain subsides. I stand up and walk around. I feel... Different. Like I'm no longer Skydoesminecraft. I turn around and see Squid staring at me.

"What the?" I ask him. His eyes are red. Pure red.

"I could ask the same about you." He replies.

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes... They're glowing gold."

"Well, yours are Red. Not glowing. There just red."

"It worked!" I hear Herobrine shout. "It actually worked?"

"So our eyes changed colour, what's the big deal?" Squid asks.

"Hold out your hand!" He says excitably. I hold out my hand and at first nothing happens. But slowly, I see a small ball of golden light form in the middle of my palm. The same thing is happening to Squid, except his is made of fire.

"Ok boys, you now have official powers. Which means we have to change your name. How about... Skybrine for Skydoesminecraft, and iballistichell for iballisticsquid."

"Wait? Are we stuck like this?" I ask.

"No of course not. People would get too suspicious of you. Here these will control the powers." He hands us both an amulet. A purple one for me, and a blue one for Squid.

"Whenever you have these on, your powers will be inactive. Take it off and they will activate, simple as that."

"What about our eyes?"

"Ah yes... About that... You can't change it."

"WHAT?!" Squid and I both say at the same time?

"There is a way to hide it though." He tosses blue contacts to Squid, and a pair of black sunglasses to me. "This should help."

"Remind me again why we just did this?" Squid asks.

"You two are the weapons that will allow me to take over Minecraftia."

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