Goin' to Hell

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iballisticsquid's POV

"Hey stamps! Are you ready to build another minigame?" I ask

"Yeah! It's in the nether isn't it?" He replies.

"Yep, near the fortress."

"Ok then, let's go!"

I turn around and pick up my backpack, and see stampylongnose already running down the path that leads to the portal. Typical Stampy, he's always eager. Myself on the other hand, I'm a bit nervous. The nether has never been my thing.

"Come on! What are you waiting for! Hurry up!" I hear him call out in the distance.

"I'm coming!" I reply.

I sprint along the road, trying to keep up with stampy's pace. I wish we had brought the horses; it would've took much less time to cover the distance. The portal is quite far away, about a day's worth of walking. My thoughts are interrupted by a teasing whine.

"Hey Squid, have you got any food? I'm getting kinda hungry."

"We only left 20 minutes ago!"

"That doesn't mean I don't need to eat. This cat needs his cake!"

I decide to have a little fun and toss him an apple.

"What's this?!" He asks.

My evil plan is working! The famous stampylongnose forced to eat an apple. I laugh.

"If you want a constant supply of cake, you should've asked Lee to come." I say.

"Fine I'll eat the apple." He sighs.

Luckily we're halfway to the portal. It's not long to go now.

"Um Squid?"

"No I am not going to bake a cake for you." I reply before he asks his question.

He shakes his head.

"That's not what I was going to ask."

I'm curious now. His voice that is normally cheery is now serious and worried.

"What's the time?"

"One o'clock." I reply. "Why?"

"It's dark. Dark enough for mobs to spawn."

skydoesminecraft's POV

"Hey guys! I found one!"

"Did you really?" Bashur and Deadlox reply at the same. I'm a joker, so I expected that they wouldn't believe me. But this time I really did find one!

"Yeah," I reply. "It's on the west bridge."

"Cool lets go!"

We have been in the nether all day, trying to collect wither skulls all day, and it hasn't been very successful. The worst part is, we've killed about 10 already but none of them has dropped one!

"Hurry! Before we lose it!" I call out to the others.

I run up some stairs and turn around a corner. This is the route that'll take me to the surface. Well, as close as you can get to the surface anyway. Ahead of me I see the skeleton. However there is a 4 metre gap between me and the bridge. Over lava. I hear footsteps and I turn around to see Deadlox and Bashur jogging up the stairs. I see Deadlox walk back like he is preparing to take a run up. Bashur and I exchange glances.

"Deadlox don't do it! You won't make the jump!"

Bashur backs me up.

"Yeah, forget about it man!".

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