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iballisticsquid's POV

"You ready?" Stampy asks. I take a deep breath before I reply.


"Good," He replies awkwardly. "Do you want to go get Sky? Or should I?"

"I will. We're gonna have to get used to being together." I say with a sigh. Stampy nods as I leaves the room. He's staying in a room on the other side of The Stampylongnose Kingdom Castle, for obvious reasons. It's a long walk, so I decide to double check my armour and weaponry. Diamond sword, diamond armour, enchanted infinity bow. That seems like everything. I just finish the check as I arrive at Sky's door. I slowly reach out and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" He asks casually.

"It's me. Are you ready to go?" I reply. There is a long wait before the door opens.

"Let's go." Sky says in a agitated voice. His equipment is similar to mine, except his sword is enchanted as well as his bow. We walk down the hallway in silence until we reach the door. I reach to open it and we exchange glances. Sky nods. I twist the handle and open the door.

Neither of us talked for the whole trip. I was thinking about what could happen to us in my head, and I assume that Sky was doing the same. After about 2 hours of walking, we finally arrive at the clearing. We didn't have to wait long to hear Herobrine's voice.

"You showed up! Good. Now I will send someone to escort you to my castle. You have met before." He says. I can only think of one thing. The enderdragon.

"Where's Bashur! You said you would let him go?" Yelled Sky.

"No need to worry. He's still... Alive. I'll prove it." I hear a loud thump and a groan. Sky looks down at the ground, trying to ignore it. The area around us suddenly gets dark and Sky and I look up. A big black silhouette is above us, and it uses it's tail to flick us onto it's back. Before I have a chance to regain my breath, I feel glass being smashed against my back, which can only mean one thing, a potion, and knowing Herobrine, it is bound to be bad.

I look over at Sky and see that the potion is already starting to take effect on him. He is lying unconscious on the dragon's back. It must be some kind of poison. Out of nowhere a burst of nausea hits me. I start to get really hot and dizzy. I feel myself slowly drifting out of consciousness just as we take off...


I wake up to the sound of zombies moaning. It's a sound I have come accustomed to over my lifetime. I open my eyes and see Sky laying on the ground next to me. We are in the throne room of a castle. Herobrine's castle. The place where I first met him.

"Hello Squid." I hear a voice say from above me.

"Herobrine." I reply with a scowl.

"Wake up Sky will you?" He asks. I walk over and shake him.


"Get up." I say harshly. He stands up and looks around the room. I can tell that he recognises where he is.

"Happy to see me?" Herobrine asks.

"Hell no! I never wanted to see you in the first place!" I shout. All I get in reply is cruel laughter.

"I'm serious! I've always hated you and nothing you can do will change it!"

"What about the time when we almost won the war. You and Sky made it possible. You helped me. Even respected me."

"We did not! It was a lie!" This time it was Sky who spoke.

"So was the fact that I'd keep your friend alive." He replies in a eerily calm voice.

"No. You didn't kill him. I know you more than you think I do. You've still kept him alive to make sure we do what you want." I say.

"Clever boy. Gold star for you!" He replies. "I've kept him alive for now. But for reasons other than what you think... Follow me."

Without hesitation, I follow him out the door and down the hallway. It wasn't long before we reach a door and Herobrine signals for Sky and I to step through it. Herobrine stays outside the room, probably to make sure that we don't try to escape.

I look around the room and notice a glass panel taking up an entire wall. I curiously walk over and see something that shocks me.

"Uh Sky?" I say.


"Your not gonna like this."

He walks over and peers through the glass. His face turns pale and punches the wall with defeat.

"Why would he do this?" He asks to no one in particular. I shake my head. I didn't think he'd do this just to make us suffer.

Herobrine has taken Bashur, and chained him to a wall, with dispensers shooting stuff at him. Some of the things I recognise. Poison, nausea and harming potions, and fire charges. Hang on a minute... Is that regeneration? Oh no. He can't actually lose health, but he'll still feel the pain. A hang my head and try to avoid looking out the window, or at Sky.

Skydoesminecraft's POV

I can't stand it, seeing Bashur like this. I have to make it stop.

"Hey Herobrine! I know you can hear me so listen up! I'll do whatever you want, just let him go!"

"I was hoping you'd say that." He replies. I look down and see the potions stop. Relief washes over me.

"Well, what do you want?" Squid asks.

"I need you to take off the amulets and become Skybrine and Iballistichell."


"I need you to help me take over a kingdom."

"Notches?" I say.

"No. Deadlox's."

Herobrines Resurrection (BEEN REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now