Skylox and Five Nights at Freddy's

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Bajancanadian's POV

It's 3:24 in the morning. I've been laying in my bed all night, tossing and turning, but I haven't been able to get to sleep. There's a lot on my mind right now. The main thing is the frequent Herobrine sightings. I'm really worried about my kingdom. All of the attacks have been on YouTubers like me, so I'm likely to be targeted. For what reason, I don't know, but the attacks couldn't have all been random. Could they?

I sigh and drag myself out of bed. As I walk towards the door, I stumble on something lying on the floor. I bend over and pick it up. I roll it around in my hands for a few seconds. It's a knife. I can feel the edges of the blade digging into my palm. I don't know why it's in my bedroom, but I'm too tired to question it. I slide the weapon into my pocket and exit the room.

I trudge into the lounge room and turn on the tv. After flicking through the stations for about ten minutes (ok I might've exaggerated a little), I finally find a station that isn't static. Unfortunately, it's the news channel, but it's the only thing on so I start to watch it anyway.

"As you all should now, Herobrine has been sighted on many occasions, but he has now attacked someone's kingdom. At this very moment, Deadlox's Kingdom is under siege. The situation is not controlled, meaning that anyone in North-West YouTubeia (don't judge on the name) should be keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. Kingdom owners should be especially careful."

Deadlox. First Sky, now him? This is not good. I gotta tell Jerome. I speed-walk down the halls until I reach the door to his bedroom. I take a deep breath in and barge into the room. Luckily, he's playing a game on the computer, so I don't have to go to the trouble of waking him up.

"Hey dude, we have a problem." I say. Jerome ignores me. I roll my eyes, he's got his headphones in. Wait a second... Is that Five Nights At Freddy's? I think I've got an idea... I creep behind the chair and tap him on the shoulder.

"Ahh!" He screams. "That's not funny Mitch!"

"Yeah it was. It's your own fault for playing that game at three in the morning!"

"Why are you awake anyway? Why are you even in here?" He asks.

"It's because we might be in danger of an attack." I reply, my voice serious.

"An attack? From who?" The smile is wiped from his face.

"Herobrine. Deadlox's Kingdom has been taken over already, and think about it, all the attacks have been on YouTubers. Coincidence? I think not."

Skydoesminecraft's POV

"Guards... Let him go." The guards give Deadlox a few strange looks, but they eventually leave the room.

"Sky... How did you change back without the amulet?" He asks.

"I-I don't know. Herobrine must've done something..." I reply. This has never happened before. This shouldn't even be possible. I gotta find out what he did. I need to go back. I suggest this to Deadlox and Bodil.

"What?! Are you crazy?! There is no way you're going back to that place!"

"I have to! What if this is some sort of set up and I stay here? I'd change into Skybrine and then who knows what would happen!"

"Sky. Listen to me. Don't go back. It's a very bad idea."

"Ok fine." I sigh. "I'll stay."

"Great! Now let's go get your injuries checked out." Bodil says.


I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!! I haven't updated in forever but I made up for it with a happy (ish/er) chapter! Anyway I JUST SEEN MOCKINGJAY AND ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yeah as for not updating, I've been procrastinating cause in the back of my mind I'm like WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER but then that makes the front of my mind say NEVER I WILL DO ANYTHING BUT WRITE ANOTHER CHAPTER! And also, one of those activities included a... Oh god... Why did I even read this... A Skylox fanfic called "don't hide yourself" by luv_pikachu (It is actually pretty good and there isn't much smut so...) oh and one last thing... 300 READS and 40 VOTES!!!!!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! You know what you deserve something... Hmm let me think... OH I KNOW PIZZA FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!!!!!!!!! And if you don't like pizza then here's $10 so go buy yourself some food!

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