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Bashur's POV

I wake up to a cold, hard floor. Where am I? I sit up and take a look around. It's dark, really dark, so I can't see much. I stand up and try and get a feel for my surroundings. Cement floor. Cement walls. Cement roof. And an iron door that's locked from the other side.

"Awake are we?" An unfamiliar voice asks. I enter rage mode.

"Who are you?! Where am I?! What do you want?!" I yell.

"Herobrine. A heavily guarded cell. Your friends."


"You have been captured by Herobrine and locked into a cell with Creepers surrounding the exit, and your the thing that's going to bring iballisticsquid and skydoesminecraft straight to me."

I swear. I though Herobrine was killed years ago! How is he back? I hopelessly bang my fists against the door, trying my hardest to break it down.

"Go ahead break the door down. Cough-creepers-cough."

"Ha ha very funny. I know there's nothing on the other side. I'm not stupid."

"Fine have it your way." Herobrine sighs. The door opens and I walk towards it. Big mistake. About 30 creepers are waiting for me. I sprint back to the edge of the room.

"SHUT THE DOOR!" I shout. "SHUT THE DAMN DOOR!" Is doesn't close.

"Nah, I'd rather see how well you can fight." He laughs. A bit of the wall opens up and I see a diamond sword sitting on a rack, along with a full set of chainmail armour. I quickly put it on and peek out the door. There are now 30 creepers, 50 zombies, 20 skeletons, and 10 spiders.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND!" I shout to thin air. All I get in reply is laughter.

"Yeah. Yes I am."

I back up against the wall and sigh. This is going to be a long, and very painful, day.

Iballisticsquids POV

I shouldn't have ran off like that. But who can blame me? Seven years and he hasn't found me. I though he'd forgotten, but I was stupid enough to enter the nether and alert him of my presence. And that Bashur guy. Imagine what Herobrine's doing to him right now. This is too much to think about. I'm going to sleep.

Flashback/dream thing...

"No! You can't take him! He's just a boy! My mum screams from downstairs. What's going on?

"I can and I will. Now get out of my way!" I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"You can't! He's not who your after! He's only 13!"

"Believe me. I know what I'm doing."


"Look, I gave you a chance to cooperate, now you have to face consequences." The man says. A blinding flash if light explodes through the roof of the room. It doesn't stop either. It just keeps coming and coming. Destroying the house and everything in it. I fall down to the floor and try to stop myself from calling out. Whoever this man is, he wants me, and its not for something good. The doorknob turns and the only exit is through the window. And it's too big of a hight for me to jump. The door creaks and I turn around. Standing in front of me is a man. He looks completely ordinary except for his eyes. They are white. Pure white and glowing. No! It can't be! Herobrine?! I've heard rumours about him. That he is an evil man, who is hungry for power. He locks people up and drains them if their power, bit by bit, until it is gone. I denied this guy's very existence, but now all the stories are turning into reality.

"Are you going to come willingly? Or are you going to make this difficult?" He asks with a cruel smile.

"Of course!" I reply. "I'm going to allow you to kidnap me from my own home, right after you murdered my mother!"

"Sarcasm, gotta love it. Anyway, I can tell that you will do nicely for what I have planned. Don't worry, you won't be alone. I've got your company. Now come on before anyone comes to investigate the lightning."

"No! I'm gonna stay right here! You can't make me go anywhere!"

"Unfortunately for you, I can." He snaps his fingers and an Ender Dragon swoops down and picks me up. I struggle to get off, but I can't move.

"Off with you! Meet me at the castle." The dragon flys higher and higher and I start to feel sick. After what seems like hours, we slowly begin to descend. We break through the clouds and I am shocked at what I see. A massive castle! It would be one of the most impressive things I have ever seen if it wasn't for the fact that it was grey and destroyed. We land on the rooftop of the highest tower.

"Hello again." Herobrine says. I look away and pretend I didn't hear. He seems annoyed at that.

"Zov! Come here! I need you to escort the boy to the... You know where." At that moment a Zombie Pigman bursts out through the door. He nods and signals for me to follow him. Not wanting any trouble, I obediently walk down the staircase that leads to the castles lower levels. After a few minutes of walking, we stop at a rusted door. Zov pulls out a key and unlocks it.

"Get in there." He says in a rough voice.

"I-I don't think I should." I reply desperately wishing I was somewhere else. Zov just rolls his eyes and pushes me through the doorway. I land with a thud on the other side, and I hear the click of the key locking the door behind me. I kick the door, hoping that I can break it down.

"It's no use. You can't get out. I've tried everything already." A voice says from behind me. I turn around and see a boy, about my age. He looks at me with sad eyes.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Skydoesminecraft. Yours?"

"Iballisticsquid." I reply. "What's he gonna do to us?" I ask.

"I don't know. I really don't know."

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