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Amylee33's POV

I walk up to the entrance of the castle. The guard operating the gate recognises me and let's me in. As I wander the hallways trying to remember the way to my room, a though enters my mind. Are Squid and Sky are back yet? I really need to talk to them. I want to find out more about my uncle. Is he really a murderer?

I walk even faster up the stairs, desperate to find either my room, or their cell. After about two minutes, I come across the familiar iron door. I push down hard on the handle and it creaks open. I look inside and see a figure sitting in the corner facing the wall. They haven't noticed me yet, or if they have they're ignoring me.

"Hello?" I ask. Startled, the person turns around and looks at me.

"W-who are you?" A mans voice replies.

"I'm AmyLee33." I say. Wait, I just remembered something. "Are you Bashur?"

"Yes... I am. How do you know my name?"

"Sky told me about you. He asked me to help you get out of here."

"You can get me out?!" He inquires in disbelief.

"Yeah. Follow me."

Bashur follows me down a few halls, through a few doors, and around a few corners, until we are finally at the gate. I grab him by the back of his shirt and drag him behind me.

"Hey what are you-"

"Shh! Go along with it!"

I approach the guard and he looks at me queerly.

"Why are you taking him outside?" He asks.

"I'm taking him to the spot. Herobrine wants to see him immediately, but he is too busy to return to the castle. Now let me out, or prepare to face the consequences." I say. The guard hurriedly opens the gate, and I keep dragging Bashur along until we are well away from the castle.

"That was genius! I'm out finally! Thank you." He says once I let go of him.

"Before you go, can I ask you something?"

"Ok. What is it?"

"Is Herobrine really as evil as everyone says he is?"

"Yes. Yes he is. I recommend you stay away from him." He says.

"Well you see, I can't. He's my uncle, and he's the only family I have left."

"In that case, whatever he tells you, don't listen. It'll only end badly." He advises before walking away.

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