Part 13 : Free

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Umar's pov

The ride back home after our suya date was fast as all i could think of was Afiya and nothing else.Every moment with spent together was bliss to my soul.It was addicting like crack the more I do it the more I crave it. The day didn't start of well, and not to even think of that tiny Ahmad who thinks he has a chance with her. Afi needs to be more cautious because Im sure the idiot thought they were out on a date, just the thought of it made me taste bile in my mouth absolutely disgusting.  I'm glad things took turn and it ended great, could have been better if was man enough to say the things in my head i scolded myself,  but still i wouldn't trade it for anything. Love is a healing balm to the soul, just the thought did unspoken things to me from inside out.

I got home and took a shower then got ready for bed after praying shafi wal witr. I called back Amir because i ignored his phonecall when afiya and i were hanging out. Finally you decide to make time for me officer, I'm elated he said voice dripping with sarcasm which made me smile, Whatsup with you? Amir asked after the salaam, you have ignored me since you landed kano,how far now? Or did your madam seize your phone he teased. I wish she did that because it would have been better, on a serious note, lots of things are going through my head at the moment plus the stress of me flying out on short notice for this course you understand ai koh? I replied with a sigh. Is Afiya giving you a hard time? Amir asked, I can talk to sense into her head you know,  he was never the one to beat around the bush even with our age difference. He understood me and the position I'm in and is actively trying to make it as easy as possible for me which I really appreciated. No not at all i replied, the truth is things are better now Alhamdulillah.

When are going to man up and tell her? Like it's Afiya it shouldn't be this hard, well it's easy for you to say since you're here brother I replied. Aren't you tired of putting yourself through all this? Amir asked. I think the wait is long enough, tell her so that we can get you married and over with because you're not getting any younger you know he finished off his rant with a chuckle. Its not as easy as you think i replied massaging my neck to ease the tension...what if she declines me? She will never do that amir fired back you should know that by now,but Amir i have dropped enough hints man i said, well you should know more than anyone else how your lover girl is blind to hints like a bat he said laughing, well it's not funny Amir don't call my wife a bat, he burst out into laughter saying you're building castles in the air oga I'm yet to give you Afiya's hand in marriage so don't get ahead of yourself . See you have to tell her before you leave,at least to get things off your chest and i promise you'll be pleasantly surprised Amir said on a serious note, inshaAllah I'll do something about it tomorrow I replied and if she declines I hope you have a good explanation for the Chief of Air Force on why I'm in the ICU instead of being one my way to Florida.Nothing but khair InshaAllah oga think positively he replied as We drifted to other topics like Asher, work, my trip, and other random stuff before ending the call and saying my adhkar.

I woke up to my alarm to pray tahajjud then proceeded to the Masjid after the Adhan. After fajr, i read the Quran and when i finished pondered over the situation at hand, i made up my mind to talk to Baba sheikh (The grandpa) to confirm the validity of our long standing promise before i proceeded to tell her. With my mind made i took a short nap.

I bade my grandfather waziri farewell after a Nasiha episode, then escorted him to the Fada where I greeted them bade His Majesty farewell after he was done making Dias for me. As I was about to leave,sarki called out to me with babana because I was named after his father the King that preceded him and i inches closer to him because I knew it had to be something serious.

Babana I Hope InshaAllah after this course when you come back, we will have your wedding Durbar. My grandad chuckled as I blushed like a girl, suddenly my tongue got heavy as I just nodded my head with an inaudible InshaAllah. Stop laughing at him you're making him uncomfortable he chided his best friend waziri, Ai Matar tashi ta girma haka, ku bamu ko kuma mu ce mun fasa he joked. I immediately knew he was referring to Afiya and I smiled like a fool as I took my leave.

I made my way back into the family house and bade everyone bye. I found my self at the Sheiks residence pretty quick. I saw ushered in by the housekeeper. I stood in the doorway taking in the sight of Afiya, she looked exquisite. I stared at her like she was oxygen and I was drowning. Remembering where I was, I quickly composed my self as I said the salaam and made my way in.

I greeted the grandparents, then joined then.After loads of advice and DUAS when we were done with breakfast, I requested for a private moment with the sheikh. As he led me to his library, my palms started sweating and I had to unbutton my kaftan. He made me sit next to him, as he asked Farouk what is it? Why are you this nervous?

I attempted to clear my throat as I removed my cap whole staring at the Persian rug, I never noticed it was this intricately designed regardless of the uncountable times I have been here. Baba hummed which snapped me back to the situation at hand. Baba... I called out yes Umar he replied, Baba uhmm Baba.. it's about uhmm the promise I blurted out as I squeeze my eyes shut.

Baba laughed out then let out a sigh as he rubbed my back, better be at ease if that's the cause of your anxiety because we have been waiting for you to bring it up so as not to inconvenience you. I did know when I reached out and hugged him tight as I let out a huge sigh of relief. After a brief hug, he asked if that was the only thing I wanted to discuss and I said yes, so we started making our way out as he said God willing when you come back we will have the Nikkah and I was thanking him profusely.

We said our goodbyes then made our way out, I met up with Afiya in the car as I was supposed to drop her off at the palace. We started talking and she pointed out the things I forgot so we went shopping and then she told me she had to pick up something which turned out to be chinchin that I completely forgot.

After running the errands now we were headed to the palace and I wanted to relish every moment forever so I was driving slowly. Holding her hand comforted me, no words just serenity.

I put the car in parking then turned to her side making myself comfortable, she was talking about how late I'll be if I don't leave now and I explained to her it was handled .
After a kiss on her knuckles and a long hug, gazing into her eyes I found the courage to say I love you Baby...

An apology yet again, I'm sorry for ghosting you guys. I've reached a milestone in my life and to do that successfully I had to put in a lot of work.
Thank you so much for finding Afiya worth your time. I'm so glad you love it.

Yours With love and everything spice

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