Part 3:Regrets

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After several hours of wallowing in misery and regret I finally sent him a text "Hey baby why aren't you answering your phone?" .Then I got out my Qur'an to read seeking solace from the words of the Most High.

I didn't remember falling into a deep slumber till I heard my mother trying to wake me up.Assalam Alaikum Umma Ina kwana I uttered and she replied asking me why was my eyes swollen and I lied that I didn't sleep early last night.She scolded me for not prioritizing and giving novels all of my time all I gave was an apology because my mind was somewhere else.As she was leaving she summoned me downstairs to make breakfast as it was getting late and as I said in a minute I reached for my phone.

"Hey madam I am a-bit preoccupied,and who's baby?" His text read. I read it uncountably trying to figure out a hidden message but sadly there was none.Ya Allah what have I done i muttered as a teardrop escaped my eyes.I wanted to lay in bed all day and let guilt eat me up but sadly that wasn't possible because my Umma would not have any of it and to her today was a perfectly normal day.

As I trudged outta my room mentally strengthening myself that this would all be ok ,After-all My lord is the Most Merciful and I went on with my daily chores.

As I was rounding up the dishes my baby sis came in with my phone talking to A'i.I quickly dried my hands and collected it,did you talk to him A'i asked? I sent him a text and he replied but it was so unlike him I said ohh so you were expecting him to be all lovey Dover after what you did?not exactly but he could be nicer can you believe I called him baby and he asked who's the baby? TH!

Wawuu you called him baby for reals? Ae mana as per trying to show him I agreed but he's trying to act all ignorant I whined.I walked into my room locking the door I don't know what to do I sighed as I sat on the floor.Don't beat yourself up about it everything in life is predestined it's not you fault said A'i.
After a couple of deep breaths and a comforting silence I replied with ok and ended the phone call.

The clock on my bedside read 10pm as I let out a sigh on how slow this day has been.Reaching out for my phone I called G, I was tired of overthinking and just needed to figure it out at least.After multiple rings I heard his voice saying Assalam Alaikum and I didn't know when I let out the breath I was holding.

Waalaikum Assalam I replied,an awkward silence followed uhhmm so how was your day he asked?same old was the reply how was yours?same routine you hear of sound down madam Baki da lafiya?no I replied,goodnight I said realizing he was gonna play dumb as I ended the call.

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