Part 16

312 46 7

      " Cracked at the edges. But still Gold.
                                     Solid Gold"


Salaam Alaikum,I trust you had a great night. How I slept is definitely not your business, it is he chuckled it is, can you at least reply my salam? Waalaika, that will do thank you very much.  So when next..... mstww i hissed cutting the call yen yen yen where did he even get my number I fumed as I got ready for school.

Let's hit the Amala joint I begged Aish as we stepped out of the lecture hall, nahh I'm not eating that,okay but I wouldn't give you the jist was my reply that got her to agree quickly.

I hope you know when next he calls you have to tell him you have a fiancé said aish looking all serious. why should I do that? Well hello Umar what about him? its like you have forgotten about your one and only,the love of your life, nurulHayat, mi amour she teased in a singsong voice doing a small dance.

Banason shari I smacked her back when did I ever call him nurul Hayat? There's no mi amour since he left the shores of this country I sighed I'm even... a phone call cut me short, it was him again unsaved number, definitely him.

I reached out to reject the call but had a change of heart. Alhamdulillah you picked, is this why you left me a dozen of missed calls? Masa or kilishi? He said, huhhh I'm lost, well there are no roses in Bauchi so masa or kilishi? I'm flying back in an hour. How about you leave me alone? Not an option babes not an option.

I don't care what you bring back because you're not seeing me, don't be so sure of yourself darling, don't call me that I shot back, okay Hefa he chuckled on a serious note if I turn up at you doorstep will you spare me a minute? You don't know my house duhh , but will you? He pressed, are you stalking me? No, do we have a deal? I paused for a minute, then I smiled there was no way he was going to find out where I live so I replied Deal!

Are you crazy aish half-screamed what if he comes to your house? I get to eat masa, you need to chill abeg stop behaving as if I'm a married woman, well you're on your way to being that she replied very pissed.

They'll never allow you to rest in this house I mumbled as I brewed tea for the parents which interrupted a nice book trapped in dogma by benazir I was enjoying. Yaya please you need to help me with this homework I'm lost my little brother pestered . We got down to it as I showed him a few tricks to make things easier.

My phone rang and it was my pest so I rejected, he called again same thing then a message popped up I'm outside princessa

I quickly replied Quit lying and went back to helping with the assignment. He messaged again Come check it out I was going to ignore but curiosity got the best of me .

Dressed in sweatpants and a tee shirt I made my way outside with a quick detour to the laundry room to pick up pashmina veil. I used the kitchen door and quickly dashed across the courtyard.

As I slipped outside the gates I looked left then right, that's when I spotted him starring at me as he leaned on the hood of his car. Interesting was All I could murmur under my breath as I approached him, I was already outside so why not?

He opened the door of the passenger seat of a sleek Audi and I hesitated before hopping in. He got in then finally spoke, thank you for coming out I spared him a glance then continued watching the gate.

I don't know what I'm doing here I don't even know you was all I could say, now that I had started thinking properly for all I know you could be kidnapper

He let out a hearty laugh, then spent the next hour telling his biography, then how he got my number and address, which wasn't really hard because of my dad.

As he spoke I took in his appearance he was very good looking, his beard suited his ever smiling face and his scent was heavenly. It kind of reminded me of Umar but i quickly blocked that out of my mind.

You look tired, you should go home and get some rest I pointed out. You're tired of me already he said with a cute pout. Yepp and it getting late you know ,yeah true so here's your masa, he reached for the backseat then handed me a big warmer I hope you enjoy it. I sure will was my reply getting out of the car.He walked me to the gate and I slipped back inside.

I quickly transferred the masa to dish and placed it in the fridge then washed the warmer and hid it in the store to avoid questions. As I microwaved some of the masa,  Amir came in looking for food. I let out a sigh of relief because I just couldn't imagine what will happen if Amir saw me with Luqman. The only thing I was sure of was that all hell will break loose.

Hi, see my dinner I taunted shats as She picked up the video call, what she exclaimed why are you doing this? I dunno was my reply, finally catching cruise i guess and she hissed ending the call. As I enjoyed my masa I made up my mind to have fun amd see where things lead, to be honest he is cool.

I got in bed after saying my prayers, my phone chimed and it was Luqman, Thanks for seeing me today. Goodnight princess, can't wait for tomorrow. I replied with Looking forward to L, Night.

I started Started drifting off when I heard continuous knocking on my door, come in I answered groggily and Amir's head popped in. Can you please remove your phone from flight mode then he disappeared.

Putting my AirPods in I removed the phone from flight mode and immediately his call came in. What I asked before he could even speak, he was quite for a minute before he said the Saalam, how are you G? Never been better, how can I help you? He hesitated again before asking are we good? Did I do something? How will I know? I shot back, before he could reply I added I'm not in the mood for this I have school ,Goodnight and with that I ended the call.

The sleep vanished that night and I tossed and turned in bed, how dare he treat me like this was all I could think about. I hated all the emotions I was going through and more so the tears escaping my eyes.

May Allah Accept our ibadah Ameen

I honestly love reading your comments, thank you for sticking this out with me. You all are deeply appreciated.

So do you like Luqman or are you all Umar's fans 😂😂

Yours with Love and Everything Spice

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